Am I they only one who struggles to stay UNDER Calorie?

Hey MFP'ers...i constantly see posts threads status' etc requesting help because they cant seem to eat all of their calories... or are not hungry enough to eat all their 1200 calories...etc...Maybe im a fatso but I've NEVER had this problem. :huh: I eat all of my calories daily. Im a big girl so I get about 1700 cals a day...I think i would about die if i only got 1200 calories and STILL couldn't eat those. :grumble: This was random but i started kinda feeling like I eat too much b/c it seems im one of the only ones on here who LOVES eating all her calories and has no problem reaching my calorie goal OTHER MFP'rs who can eat their Daily Calorie Goal without a problem?
Bottoms up :drinker: to my Buddies that take FULL Advantage of their Daily Caloric goal lol


  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    It's only been a few days for me here, but I definitly struggle. I am so hungry right now and I have 500 calories left...
  • jcompton3821
    I AM TOTALLY WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!:sad: I LOVE TO EAT....ALL DAY!!!!!!!!! :love: ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! IT IS A STRUGGLE EVERYDAY!! :grumble:
    I am from the South and my family loves to eat!!!:drinker: I hope it gets better for you, everything I read says fill up on fiber!!! and drink LOTs of water....I also read somewhere to drink a FULL bottle of water before each meal, and you get fuller faster. Good luck!!! :smile:
  • bubblez_x3
    Hello! My first week it was difficult, but after 2nd week it's almost like my stomach shrank! Because if I ate a lil extra my tummy would feel disgusting! So maybe you just need to get used to it for awhile and hopefully your tummy will adjust! GOOD LUCK!
  • erinup
    erinup Posts: 53 Member
    I can never figure those posts out either! I workout most days so that I can eat my exercise calories - and believe me I eat 'em!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    You are so not alone. I am usually under my calorie goal, but I am calorie conscious. I even ask the person giving out samples in the grocery store, "how many calories are in this?" lol If you record your exercise, you have more calories to eat. You should eat at least half of your exercise calories, I've been told. Hang in there!!
  • josh6603
    Drink more water. When i first started back in July i struggled for the first few weeks. I went from eating 3000+ calories a day to 1800. It was a total system shock. My body was confused that it wasn't getting all the calories it was used too. I started drinking 20 oz. of water after every meal and it dramatically helped take the edge of my appetite.
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    When I first started I had 1560 calories a day and I managed to stay within my calories most days. Now my calories have been reduced to 1460 and I'm having a really hard time. I haven't really been motivated to work out much lately either so that means no extra calories. I'm hoping that once the holidays are over with I can do a better job of exercising and staying within my calorie goal.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I totally understand. I am only on my third day...but I am starving....haven't had dinner....and only have 300 calories left! I will for sure be going over today, as apparently I ate too much. But-I am still hungry now! Grr.
  • dmb9p
    dmb9p Posts: 10
    Trust me, there are plenty of us fighting the good fight with you!! If I had trouble getting to 1200 calories every day, I wouldn't need this site! ;)

    One suggestion I will give...
    Although I'm generally good about not going (too far) over my calorie goal, I am almost always over the protein goal. I'm not sure whether it's a great thing, but I find that eating foods higher in protein is really the only way to avoid being SUPER hungry.

    So in summary, I guess just know that you're not alone! ;)
  • kkvon
    kkvon Posts: 21 Member
    Here is the thing. If you happen to take a look at the diaries of what some of the people who are always below cal count you will notice one of a few things. 1: The are not eating calorie dense foods. Grains, rice, nuts, pasta, high fat content foods. They will have a lot more veggies in their diet. 2. Some just stop eating once they hit their calorie limit. 3: Some are just choosing to force themselves not to eat. Take a good look at your diary an see what foods are calorie dense. Reduce your serving size of those items and increase the serving size of the veggies and you will see that you will be able to stay below your goal cal count with ease.
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    um, I LOVE FOOD!!!! and i could eat nonstop all day if l let myself! somedays I do! ...wait, did i say that??? LOL...
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    I agree with drinking more water, that helps me a lot!!! when I think I am hungry I chug a whole lot of water and it makes my stomach feel soooo full!!!

    Also make sure you are eating nutrient dense foods that keep you full longer. Don't just eat low calorie, low fat items, cut those empty calories out of your diet!!! Foods with fiber add bulk and will help keep you full!

    I hope this helps, good luck!!!
  • datagram40
    datagram40 Posts: 33 Member
    I tend to have problems ignoring those extra calories that need to be used up. I have been able to ignore them some but usually that is when I'm not feeling hungry. I have found one amazing thing for killing that appetite of mine. Water. Works wonders. Another thing I've been doing that seems to help control my appetite enough to where I do not go all out is taking two capsules of Green Tea+ Hoodia a day. I get this stuff at walmart. I avoid the dieting pills because they seem to have a whole bunch of unnatural things in them.

    Hoodia is a plant that is has been used for a long time to help curb the appetite. And well, Green Tea is said to help burn calories. Not sure if the green tea thing is true or not, but I seem to have a better time controlling what I eat with the hoodia. I find this stuff at Walmart in the vitamin section. Green bottle with yellow lid. Spring Valley - Standardized Extract Green Tea 315 MG plus Hoodia.

    It would probably be wise to talk to a medical professional about it maybe. I haven't, though, and seem to be doing fine. But then I barely take any pills at all.
    P.S. Also forgot to add, I've been adding vegetables to my diet. Yesterday for both of my snack times I ate one long carrot each.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    No, eating is never a problem for me either :love:

    I'm used to the lower calories now, but I can still eat more if I wanted to. I'm never actually hungry tho!!! Eat lots of protein and fibre. Try and lose the processed/white carbs; they are the one's that increase hunger pangs.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • leah660
    leah660 Posts: 15 Member
    I have problems staying within my calorie intake on days that I work, just because I don't get as much exercise. On my days off I really am trying to get in as much exercise as I can and I am trying to log everything good and bad. I have just recently started and today will be the 1st day that I have not been close to my calorie goal for the day. The only reason I wasn't over today is that I have a huge evening of things planned to do and all of them burn lots of calories. If it was not for that I would have been over my calorie limit by at least 100 calories. I keep a full water bottle on my desk at all times and that seems to help. I allow myself a coke with my lunch most days, it is a kind of bribe for myself. If I get out and walk or whatever the exercise is for today then I can have that coke with lunch but if i don't then I will need to drink water to keep my calorie count down. I have made a deal with myself that I can have the coke so long as my exercise will burn off those calories. So far it has worked for me we will see how long I can keep it up. :tongue:
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    I eat all my calories and Im usually a little over. The only way I would eat under my calories is if I ate broccoli all day. Also, sometimes if says people were under calorie goal cause they exercised and mfp gave them like a trillion calories back. I never ever ever eat under 1260....i would die.
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    Also, I know you like diet soda, but those artificial sweeteners are proved to stimulate hunger and makes your body crave more sweets. Not to mentions all the other inflammatory and cancer causing properties!!! Sorry to burst your diet Pepsi bubble. Believe me once you cut it out of your diet you won't miss it.
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm sooooo glad I'm not alone....I keep seeing help I can't eat all my I'm like ill take some of ur calories off ur hand any time....I guess ill focus more on my water filling foods...start eating my almonds again
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    I have my pepsi spurts I'm on one now...I drink abt one a day but I can totally go w out maybe ill cut them out a bit...that's not my biggest I'm a splenda queen...whoops I'm really trying to cut bk on those as well
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    Are MFP's calories based on weight? And how much I need to have?

    Cuz I'm allowed 1900 so your post has me curious! :laugh: Perhaps I don't feel hungry cuz I'm consistantly 1600-1900 a day! :blushing: