weight loss advice after baby for a newbie :)

does anyone have any advice for loosing weight sucessfully or any good diets that have worked? (i was thinking about trying slim fast) . I had my 3rd baby 6weeks ago, with my other 2 i hardly put on.any weight but this time im 3 and half stone heavier! Dont feel that good about myself now and i need to shift the baby weight as soon as i can to fit back into my clothes :) lol

thankyou! X


  • Clarehc
    Clarehc Posts: 15 Member
    Sure, wait until the baby is a year old then go on a calorie deficit diet. Worked for me! In all seriousness, give your body a chance, it's too soon to be worrying. You just had a baby!
  • lniber22
    lniber22 Posts: 29 Member
    Are you breastfeeding? Give it time if you are, it works wonders! And if you are, you need extra calories to feed the lil one so just start being active again. I started out with walks and then gradually started running again after I had my son. You will get there, but no need to stress yet!
  • hj1119
    hj1119 Posts: 173 Member
    +1 ^^^

    Breastfeeding FTW!

    I read it takes your body 20 calories to make an ounce.
  • kimdawnhayden
    kimdawnhayden Posts: 298 Member
    Breastfeeding is not only good for the baby, but does wonders for you too. Don't go low calorie or low fat though. Your baby needs the nutrients. I think I remember breastfeeding takes a bunch of extra calories so no need to diet at that time.
  • I tried breastfeeding with my first and didnt get on well with it(kinda put me off trying again) so unfortenatly breastfeeding wont help with weight loss this time around :(