angry,annoyed, upset,detmotivated

So last year I lost around a stone and a bit with eating what I wanted in moderation along side healthy eating and working out, used to work out around 4 times a week for about an hour, went to uni in septermber and gained weight, you all know the jist of student living. Came home and started to change, I've cut out everything bad for you, low carbs no white carbs,no sugar only from fruit, basically I eat very clean and very healthy foods all the time, every now and then maybe once I week ill eat something like a slice of cake, or some gym but even on them days I burn it off. Drink lots of water and green tea. In the first week I started 4 pounds dropped, second week I was up a pound again, now nearly a month in and a week and 3 days from my last weigh in, I;ve only lost a pound . Which is like 4 pounds. I workout 7 days a week for 2 hours, some days I even walk to the gym which is like half hour walk. My body has changed in the mirror and my mum has noticed it too, but the scale wont budge which is so disheartening, I do lots of cardio,strengh training, pilates and yoga, each session I push myself to vomiting point. I have a goal weight in my head before I head back to uni and the way im going its just not happening which demotivates me so much as ive dedicated summer to this. Was so upset at the gym when I weighed myself.

whats happening? :( im I doing something wrong?

Help,advice and motivation will be grateful, on the verge of giving up.


  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    Four pounds in a month isn't that slow so you should feel encouraged! Don't give up! Maybe you are pushing yourself too hard though. It sounds like you're working out so much. Do you find yourself ravenously hungry? Are you working out so much that you're eating back what you burned and then some? Otherwise it sounds like you're off to a great start. Sometimes the hardest thing to do isn't getting started, but sticking with it when you don't see the results you want. Don't get discouraged. Keep logging your food, be honest with what you're eating, work out and it will come off.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I know you want that scale number but why is it the most important factor.

    My list in order.
    How I want to look in the mirror
    How others see me yes I know wrong motivation it works
    How strong I get. I have some lifting goals too
    My body fat%
    Scale weight is the last thing on my list.
  • pav222
    pav222 Posts: 20
    Four pounds in a month isn't that slow so you should feel encouraged! Don't give up! Maybe you are pushing yourself too hard though. It sounds like you're working out so much. Do you find yourself ravenously hungry? Are you working out so much that you're eating back what you burned and then some? Otherwise it sounds like you're off to a great start. Sometimes the hardest thing to do isn't getting started, but sticking with it when you don't see the results you want. Don't get discouraged. Keep logging your food, be honest with what you're eating, work out and it will come off.

    i dont even eat that much tbh today ive had a good breakfast,good lunch, 2 snacks, lots of water and 2 cups of green tea, burnt 500 calories through cardio so that brought my calories intake back up and i still have 763 calories to go and im going to eat homemade soup for dinner!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    It sounds like you have some high expectations and it might be a good time to change that. There is no reason to work out 7 days per week for 2 hours, the body needs rest at some point. Also, since you do not have much to lose, the process is going to slower for you. Relax.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    There is no such thing as a 'bad' food. All food has nutritional value, even table sugar. Eat what you want as long as it fits your macros and your micronutrient needs. Eat back your exercise calories and relax. It takes time.
  • lemaysl1
    lemaysl1 Posts: 5
    Okay, so this is my first post here. I re-started MFP almost a month ago and I'm only down 2 pds. I am so discouraged. Tired of logging, weighing, measuring, planning, ect. for 2 pds a month! I feel I could do just as well if I just quit eating when I'm no longer hungry, without putting all of this effort into it. As I said, I'm rather disappointed and frustrated was my weigh-in day and I'm up 1.5 pds from last week. Argh!

    I am a 49 (almost 50) yr old female, 5' 2" and current weight is 147. I would like to get down to 130. I have made my diary public, please be kind, I am rather vulnerable today. I know I didn't have a very good week, but I don't think it was that bad either. I know I need to eat more veggies and I really am trying. I purchased an elliptical about a month ago and am up to almost 25 mins a day. Usually 10 in the a.m. & up to 15 in the p.m. I average 2.5 miles a day. When I started out I could only do 5 mins at a time, so I know I will eventually be able to do more. I have a desk job, but keep busy after work with housework, etc. I am always vacuuming, mopping, cleaning patio, garage, my car, bathrooms, etc. I drive everyone crazy:)

    Most of my life I have been a yo-yo dieter, I am wondering if my body just needs some time to adjust to this lifestyle/way of eating? Do my calories seem to be in the right range? I try to keep my food around 1250, on the weekends I usually have a bit more. Am I doing something wrong or do I just keep at it and eventually it will come off?
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Okay, so this is my first post here. I re-started MFP almost a month ago and I'm only down 2 pds. I am so discouraged. Tired of logging, weighing, measuring, planning, ect. for 2 pds a month! I feel I could do just as well if I just quit eating when I'm no longer hungry, without putting all of this effort into it. As I said, I'm rather disappointed and frustrated was my weigh-in day and I'm up 1.5 pds from last week. Argh!

    I am a 49 (almost 50) yr old female, 5' 2" and current weight is 147. I would like to get down to 130. I have made my diary public, please be kind, I am rather vulnerable today. I know I didn't have a very good week, but I don't think it was that bad either. I know I need to eat more veggies and I really am trying. I purchased an elliptical about a month ago and am up to almost 25 mins a day. Usually 10 in the a.m. & up to 15 in the p.m. I average 2.5 miles a day. When I started out I could only do 5 mins at a time, so I know I will eventually be able to do more. I have a desk job, but keep busy after work with housework, etc. I am always vacuuming, mopping, cleaning patio, garage, my car, bathrooms, etc. I drive everyone crazy:)

    Most of my life I have been a yo-yo dieter, I am wondering if my body just needs some time to adjust to this lifestyle/way of eating? Do my calories seem to be in the right range? I try to keep my food around 1250, on the weekends I usually have a bit more. Am I doing something wrong or do I just keep at it and eventually it will come off?

    You should start your own thread.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I agree with what others have said - you're not going to see fast weight loss with so little to lose, you are doing well, and you don't need to be spending so much time at the gym and pushing yourself to near vomiting.

    I'm worried that you may be setting yourself up for failure. Not in about losing weight, but that the changes you have made are going to be unsustainable when you return to uni in the fall, which would lead to the weight coming back on.
  • lemaysl1
    lemaysl1 Posts: 5
    Sorry... I just did. New to this:(