Why do I always feel so weak?



  • MeganAnne89
    MeganAnne89 Posts: 271 Member
    If I were you, I would get bloodwork done. You could be anemic. I would take a multivitamin and extra iron/folate.
    Try a true rest day without exercise and see if it helps. If not you may want to go to the doctor for blood work. You may be lacking in iron or vitamin D.

    I say this every chance I can get.

    Never assume that you are anemic because you feel tired/fatigued. Something called haemochromatosis (iron overload) makes you feel the exact same way. NEVER take any supplements with iron in them unless you have been to a doctor and you have made them give you both an iron and a ferritin test. I have haemochromatosis and it means that my body takes the iron that is in my blood and deposits it around my organs. If it is not treated it is extremely dangerous so never, ever try and fix what you perceive to be an anemia problem on your own. This condition is in every 1 - 200 people yet hardly anyone is aware of it.

    Do not follow advice of people who suggest that you take supplements without thorough examination from your doctor.