Desk job is destroying me, time to fight back



  • inneedofanap
    inneedofanap Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome! I've spent my share of time in Dispatch too so I know the lifestyle. It's hard in that environment to keep in shape because of the long hours, constant treats, stress and exhaustion. Time to find the time for yourself. The trick is, not to just stay motivated on your 4 off but also on your 4 on otherwise it'll feel like you're starting over each time. I have a Fitbit. My day doesn't end until I've hit my 10,000 daily steps. There are days where I'll be walking laps in my house while everyone else is in bed just to get those darned steps!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Its great that you have a goal, but 10 pounds a month is a lot.
    You should eat less and exercise more and not quit.
    You will plateau, and when you do, you need to kick it up.
    Odds are you were not a completely healthy eater, so you need to re-evaluate all your habits.
    Good luck and keep us posted.