Dieting and working out... ISOLATION!



  • blairf83
    blairf83 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm someone who thrives on routine. Doing the exact same thing every day is about the only way it happens- I recently tried bringing food back in my house- welcome back to the land of emotional overeating... I wake up, I work my dog, feed my pets, make my smoothies for breakfast and lunch, I go to work, I do chores at the barn, I go to yoga, I work my dog, and I go to bed. I can sustain this indefinitely as long as it's the easiest thing to do. But... when I go out with friends and make myself eat healthy, I invariably slip up later in the week because yummy looking food is ALL I can think about. I'm not even to the point where I can *have food* in the house. It will get sneaked... nibbled... emotionally devoured... All I have in my fridge are smoothie ingredients at this point. Usually I grab a bean burrito fresco style from taco bell- 350 calories, protein.... keeps me from craving a bunch of other really bad stuff... Or grab a veggie sub at subway...
    I've had to banish splurge days. I tried them. It ends badly. What's one more splurge meal tacked on to the end? Heck, I tried bumping my calories up to 1400 because the scale was stuck... Intended to go back down to 1200.... have not successfully been able to do that since....

    Honestly, I know I *should* want to do the social events... but.... the food struggle just makes it miserable. I'm either overeating and having something that makes me happy,.... or I'm gnawing on something I *can have* and just hating everyone else for eating food.... And... I'm eating at 1400 cal at this point and *barely* losing. What I am doing now probably *will* be my future maintenance level... And I'm going to have to stay strictly regimented, or I will slip up.

    Family is outwardly supportive of my weight loss... however, they *never* plan ahead on these things. Most of the stuff I get invited to dreamed up after breakfast and lunch... and will only work for them on THIS DAY... They regularly do dinner on sunday at an awful chinese buffet where the only vegetarian friendly option is either deep fried, or a floppy, sad plate of grey oversauced veggies.... I would be happier food wise staying home and having a smoothie, because all I want is to dive face first into a plate of deep fried crap...... And then when my sister comes up to visit, all she ever wants to do is go out to eat... I have tried getting others involved- my mom (who lost 100 lbs and should get it.... but somehow doesn't even though she struggles to maintain her weight loss) came to my yoga class for a month and gave it up because she was :too stressed out" .... my sister won't go, period... My best friend comes with me regularly. My other friends.... Very much NOT into fitness. More the "eat chips, drink beer, watch football" crowd.... Good people... but I think they may have to be jettisoned...
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Well obviously you recognize some of your issues. I can't keep certain foods in the house yet, either but I can definitely feed myself all day with the stuff here.

    Yeah you may just need some new friends/buddies as well. Your current group can't necessarily fulfill every aspect your current personality and hobbies demand so they may need to be supplemented :smile: