Wheres my WILL POWER ?!?!

Hi guys, Im just wondering if any one has any suggestions on finding my inner will power. Ive been here for about a month and Ive gained weight.:sad: :explode:
I ve been exercising and changing my eating habit but still no results to keep me motivated. :noway:

One good thig that has come of the is that i quit smoking and i feel a million times better. I there a time frame after quiting that you body has to adjust to ?

So any suggestions on self motivation and will power ?
Thanks- me:flowerforyou:


  • drbean
    congrats on quitting smoking! That's the bigger battle. I think the key to "will power" is to not deprive yourself. I have chocolate everyday...but have found food that isn't going to kill me calorie wise. The 100 calorie packs help give me chocolate but portion control. When I want pizza or something, I make sure that I either go somewhere where I can order just one slice or I am with some other people so that when we eat, it's easy to eat just one piece cuz there's not enough for me to have 2. I have to put myself in situations where portion control is set up, so to speak. (if it's just me and my husband and a small pizza, I'm sure as hell eating that extra slice, so I don't put myself in that situation.) Also, sugarfree jello is a life saver!
    It's been working for me so far. I've lost 6 pounds in 6 weeks. Good luck, stay strong.
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I work with smoking cessation, so .... regarding your question about quitting smoking, your body should be over the withdrawl symptoms within two weeks. The nicotine should be out of your body within two to three days but your body is still adjusting, so if you are coughing up mucus, etc., that's a good sign. Your body is returning to normal. The part that takes a while is behavioral change.

    A little weight gain is VERY common when quitting. The average weight gain is around 9 pounds (but that weight gain is still a TON better than smoking when looking at your health). It's really important that you work to replace the hand to mouth action with something other than food if you want to avoid weight gain. Increasing your liquid intake is one way to do that -- reach for a diet drink or flavored water when you have the urge to smoke (or the urge to eat as a replacement to smoking). A little weight gain is nothing to beat yourself up about considering the massively wonderful thing you have just done for your body.

    So super, super congrats on quitting smoking!!

    As far as will power, perhaps you could enlist an exercise buddy ? That way if you don't feel like exercising, you have someone else to push you along. Or, even if you can find someone to chat about your food choices with. That could be helpful too.

    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about quitting smoking that I may be able to help with. :)
  • ctheslayer
    Hi there!

    First off , congratulations on your choice to give up smoking. While I have no advice regarding time frame after quitting for body adjustment, I do have some questions re: your MFP experience.

    Have you been logging everything - I mean everything that you are eating? The same question for your exercise logs. I find that logging everything makes everything I consume accountable and I see the numbers clearly. It becomes a math equation. At the end of the day, I need to either break even or better yet, have a calorie deficit.

    If you are consistently within your daily calorie intake goal and gaining weight then perhaps there's a hormone imbalance issue?
  • marniehodges
    I quit too! On Nov. 3 and joined this site. My friends on here have already been invaluable in just a week. I get so much motivation from them and reading their stories and goals met. When tempted eat a banana or some other fruit! Very filling and you get your sweet on. Check out all your friends food diaries on here-I have gotten some great ideas that way. Good luck to you!
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    No tips. Just congratulations and encouragement. You've done the hardest thing - you can do this, too. The smoking is the biggest thing - and a heck of an accomplishment.

    The weight will come. I promise. The exercise will help. You can do this.