Exercise Routine - HELP!

Hi All,

I recently realized that I need to up my workout routine. All I have been doing is running. Is there a website or anything that will give me a workout plan for free? I really don’t know where to start as far as exercises that I need to accomplish each week for maximum results.


  • lindzgayle
    lindzgayle Posts: 131 Member
    There are limitless sites that offer workout plans. Google anything fitness related and pages of sites show up!

    What do you want to do? Start building muscle?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Well, it depends on what "results" you are looking for? Weightloss?

    A sustained calorie surplus is needed for weightloss. That's in the kitchen.

    Exercise is for other things: healthy heart, endurance, strength, power, body comp, etc. Pick a goal (faster mile time, being stronger, build muscle) and then the programme flows from that choice.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    I use and love the Nike Training Club app. NTC. you can pick weigh loss, toning or strength as goals and choose lots of workouts of 30 or 45 minutes. It really kicked my butt last year when I used it regularly. Pop sugar fitness also has exercise vids but not a program. good luck

    @jimmer - sure exercise matters for weightloss - it creates a bigger calorie deficit and speeds up your metablism.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    You should sit down and think about what you want to accomplish from a fitness standpoint...having fitness goals that are independent of weight loss and burning calories, etc is going to open up a whole new world for you.

    Diet (noun) for weight control; exercise for fitness.

    There's nothing wrong with running if that's what you enjoy doing...but I'd throw in some resistance training a few days per week as well. Look into New Rules of Lifting for Women or Strong Curves. Resistance training is what is going to change your body composition and really make you look better...you know, that "toned" look everyone is seeking...it comes from hitting the weight room, not endless hours of cardio and diet restrictions. Weight training/resistance training will also help make you a better runner if that's where you want to go.

    I myself primarily ride my bike as my cardiovascular activity. If I'm not training for an event or racing cyclocross, a general and well balanced fitness regimen has me riding 15 or so miles about 4x weekly and hitting the weight room with a full body routine 3x weekly. This helps me maintain my fitness level and makes me stronger and faster for when I get into cyclocross season and start racing as well as for longer cycling endurance events.