Hip Pain


When I was in high school, almost 20 years ago, during a hilly cross-country race, I felt an excruciating sharp pain just above my left hip bone. It turned out to be tendonitis (I was told) and did some PT. I was out of 2 seasons of sports and was in a decent amount of pain. It never really got ttally better....but bearable.

Fast forward 18 years. I am icing that thing after every workout, and my move to 5x5 (I am guessing those squats) is making it bother me even more. I mean, it isn't unbearable- but I am having an annoying, constant pain.

I plan on heading to a doctor, but does anyone have any ideas on how to relieve some of the pain? I am trying to do a variety of hip stretches every day, but that doesn't seem to help much.


  • okulyd
    okulyd Posts: 147 Member
    See an active release specialist. They will evaluate how your muscles are all connected. Search for (ART - Active Release Technique). Could be a Dr, a chiro, a mssage therapist or even a pilates person. Its been my experience that this helps more than ice or anything else. It will likely take several sessions at least 6 before you are good as new so don't give up if the first one isn't remarkably improved. If your muscles/joints have been misaligned for 20 years it is going to take a while for it to recover.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I plan on heading to a doctor, but does anyone have any ideas on how to relieve some of the pain?

    A pain-reliever pill, like Ibuprofen or Naproxen. Then get to a specialist like a sports doctor, or a physical therapist. A general doctor probably won't be of much help. You might need an MRI to determine whether the problem is a tendon, cartilage, muscle, or something else.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    It could be an irritation of the SI joint in the lower back/hip area. You can Google SI joint irritation and see if it sounds like what you have. Most doctors have not heard of it so it might be something worth researching.

    I'm just now getting back into weight training and cycling after dealing with an SI joint irritation for about 4 months. PT really helped, as does lots of stretching.

    Try to pay attention to what makes the pain worse and make note of it so you can discuss it with your doctor.

    Good luck to you. Having an injury stinks!:ohwell: