How many days a week should I go to the gym?

Zhryla Posts: 20 Member
Yesterday was my second day working with a trainer at the gym. Day one I did an hour, 26 min on treadmill and the rest doing rowing, chest press, leg press, squats with dumbbells and squats with a kettle bell. Did 90 min yesterday 45 total on treadmill and the rest doing same as previous with the weight increased and some push-ups, some other leg machine and some step while holding kettle bells.

The trainer hasn't said how many days a week he wants me there, I am so sore today I don't think I can go back today but I really wanna go back Saturday. This is my first time ever belonging to a gym and am very new to exercise. Would like you guys opinion on how many days a week or what days a week I should go. I'm 5'4" and currently 287 down from 327. Thanks :)


  • blvndr88
    blvndr88 Posts: 14
    I am a personal trainer, and if you are paying someone to train you they should provide you with weekly workout plans. If they are not giving you enough guidance I would suggest that you get another trainer. Check out they have many different types of workout routines you can follow. Every muscle needs more than 24 hours to properly recover, especially if you workout more than an hour. What are your goals? If your goal is to lose weight and build a little muscle, this was my workout plan when I started:

    Cardio 3-5 times per week
    Strength Training 2-3 times per week

    Sit down with your trainer and tell them that you want an exercise plan to follow. Ask them for specific exercises to do. I will be more than happy to help you out if you need further assistance. This site also provides meal plans.
  • Zhryla
    Zhryla Posts: 20 Member
    Awesome, thank you so much. He's a manager at the gym and there's no additional fee for his help. He is filling out a chart for me to follow and showing me how to use everything but he hasn't discussed when and how often he wants me to workout. My goal is exactly what you said, loose weight and build muscle to not be so weak and just be healthy.

    I in no way want to be rude or say something off to him, he's been super nice and extremely supportive but I definitely want there to be days where I just go do some cardio and lay off on the strength training. I think I'll go 5 times a week and ask if we can keep the strength training to 3 of those days, that sounds very doable for me. Thanks for the help and I will check out that website. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    With resistance training you don't want to do the same exercises and work the same muscles on back to back negate the work you put in. This is why people generally either do 3x weekly full body routines or 4x weekly split routines where they work different muscles on different days. As a beginner I would suggest a full body routine for your resistance work.

    The rest is up to you and your fitness level. I personally do a full body routine 3x weekly in the weight room and otherwise don't go to the gym at all. I ride my bike about 60 miles per week and do a little swimming for my cardiovascular work.
  • yvettebenner
    yvettebenner Posts: 2 Member
    I do cardio 6 days a week. I run 3 days and do zumba for 2 days and crossfit for 1 day. I also do weight training on my zumba days. upper body/lower body
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    however many you feel like lol
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    How many days is really something that's up to you, but you'll want to incorporate rest days here and there. Personally, I would not do a lot of cardio before doing strength training, and I would split up the strength exercises into more than one session.

    Since you are new to training, you are probably going to be pretty sore to start off with. This week I was back to lifting after almost a 2 week break, and I'm more sore now than I have been in a while. Soreness usually isn't a big deal for me while I'm being consistent.

    I'd say your idea of going 5 times and making 3 of those times strength training is a good one.
  • ChrisUK70
    ChrisUK70 Posts: 54 Member
    I am aiming for five days a week, doing 20 minutes cardio and working different muscle groups each day maybe one day just cardio.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    I am a personal trainer, and if you are paying someone to train you they should provide you with weekly workout plans. If they are not giving you enough guidance I would suggest that you get another trainer.

    Every muscle needs more than 24 hours to properly recover, especially if you workout more than an hour.

    I have a question regarding this. What about professional athletes? Presumably they train a lot. Do they train on alternate days, or do they train every day and exercise the same muscles daily?
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    I do 45 mins 5 days a week an an hour plus 1 day a week
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    I do 3 days of lifting and 4 days or cardio/crossfitty type stuff.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    My goal is 6 days a week - an hour each session. Friday is my rest day. I find it very difficult on the weekends, but my trainer really wants to start seeing some results so I need to be a lot better at it (and going for the full hour minimum each time).
  • splashtree2
    splashtree2 Posts: 277
    I need a personal trainer as well, if you're very sore i don't think more than 3 per week plus an active recovery day!
  • blvndr88
    blvndr88 Posts: 14
    Their training styles/program greatly differs from your typical gym-goer. It all depends on what they are training for, and if they are training on or off season. A lot of them also work with Nutritionists and Dieticians. They may train everyday, but I do not believe they train the same muscles every single day. They are also more conditioned to working out more often, but rest is just as important. Answering your question is pretty hard, not every professional trains the same way.