Okay! So I realize that having a plan is probably the best way to get this show on the road. And it's probably the only way that I'm going to make it through this whole new life change with how crazy my work schedule is(I'm a hairdresser and sometimes it's hard getting meals in). Butttt I'm super wonderful at over complicating even the simpleat of tasks, so I'm going to ask all you lovely people for some help :)

I really want to become a proficient food-prepper! So if any of you masters out there could lend me some of your tips, tricks, and favorite meals/recipes/snacks whatever, I would sooooo appreciate it! Nothing is too simple or easy or "obvious". I'm looking for any kind of helpful input. I'm very very new to this kind of thing ???? thanks so much in advance, friends!!


  • tweedledee16
    tweedledee16 Posts: 58 Member
    I'm very busy (like we all are!) but I find my grab and go foods usually include raw vegetables portioned out into ziploc bags, hard boiled eggs, yogurt., fresh fruit, tuna in the pouch, sandwich thins (really thin rolls with around 100 cals for the whole roll). Good luck!
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you :) do you make meals only one day in advance? Or do you do several days?
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    Phew, for a minute there I thought this was a how-to post for building underground bunkers for the zombie apocalypse.
    Although I work at home, I am a prepper by necessity. I have a home daycare with toddlers and preschoolers, first ones arriving at 5:30 am, last ones leaving at 4:45pm, so if I don't do some preparation ahead, I don't really have time during the day to prepare my own meals.
    My biggest thing is just knowing what I'm going to have each meal so I just pencil in on a weekly meal planner each meal for the week, not the details but the protein and veg, that way I can make sure I have the meat/fish thawed out and ready to cook. I buy bulk chicken breast/meat and weigh out my portions and freeze individually and I clean veggies and fruit when I get them home. I usually cook enough for two meals ie 2 baked chicken portions tonight, 1 for dinner tonight and the other for tomorrows lunch, I always cook extra potatoes or rice and always have bags of frozen veg on hand to scoop out a measured portion quickly. When making my sons school lunch, I get it all ready the evening before except for his sandwich (he says it gets soggy overnight) and just have to grab it and pack it in the morning.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I thought this was going to be about something else...
  • haleighallen
    haleighallen Posts: 209 Member
    Phew, for a minute there I thought this was a how-to post for building underground bunkers for the zombie apocalypse.
    I may or may not have been going for that ????????
  • littlefoot612
    littlefoot612 Posts: 156 Member
    Ok so I admit it very briefly flashed through my mind about being locked in a bunker with Daryl Dixon. Just very briefly though. and now the thought is gone. Almost. Sort of.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    When the week ahead is going to be busy I have healthy meals planned in advance and make sure leftovers are plentiful; I always try to have at least 4 plants on the table: one veg in main dish, one hot veg side dish, one raw veg, and one fruit. This helps enormously with keeping calories lower.

    More importantly, I am sure to have snacks ready to go; I dole out almonds in snack bags (on the food scale), I have kids count out animal crackers into snack bags, I shop for apples like a fanatic! I make it really convenient for myself to make the right choices!
  • laratacita
    laratacita Posts: 53 Member
    This thread has the most disappointing title ever. I was thinking that there would be a discussion on how preppers could get into shape for their favorite apocalyptic vision.
  • blvndr88
    blvndr88 Posts: 14
    I would suggest cooking 3-4 days worth of foods that take longer to cook. This has helped me tremendously with losing weight and gaining muscle. A crockpot is also a staple for me, there are tons of recipes online (pinterest for example). I clean, then soak dried beans overnight and cook them in the morning in vegetable stock. They cook so much faster, especially lentils. I also cook a few days worth of brown rice. I bought higher quality glass Tupperware to store my food in the fridge. You can also roast a few potatoes: cut two into small pieces, add your favorite spices such as oregano and thyme, very lightly coat them in oil (I only buy organic), then place them in a round pan and cover with foil. I add a little water to the bottom of the pan to create steam. They are so good! If you always have sides ready to heat up, it takes very little time to cook lean chicken or any meat of your choice. I am vegetarian, so the sides are my whole meal. Good luck!
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    lol..I thought this was a dooms day prepper
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    I typically make a week's worth of lunches on Sundays...I'll do a meat or fish on the grill, and I'll make some veggies. Easy!
  • RainRedfield
    RainRedfield Posts: 597 Member
    I'm busy as can be, but I've built a collection (mostly freeze dried and non-perishable items. I wouldn't say I have any particular favorites, but I'm prepared for Zombies or The CSZ Earthquake for sure.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    For me it's all about pre-measuring. I bought a bunch of those tiny tupperware containers from Target, and will pre portion all of my snacks for the week in them. That way in the morning, i can just grab a few and put them in my bag for the day, and all of my measurements are accurate even when I'm rushed.

    I also cook a big pot of brown rice for the week, and will use it in different meals throughout.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Darn! I was so in for a doomsday prepper post!! :P

    It helps me to cook a lot of things in bulk that save well, like chicken, cous cous, quinoa, rice, etc. I also keep lean cuisines on hand for when I wake up super late and don't have time to make lunch.
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,013 Member
    I'm not a prepper for meals... or the end of the world. But, I do find it helpful to always keep homemade pre-cooked bean burgers and veg soups in the freezer for super-quick meals. Also, I always make extra sauces (pesto, teriyaki, etc) so I can make quick meals when I need to.
  • miss_mckenna
    miss_mckenna Posts: 18 Member
    I take a few hours every Sunday (after my weekly shopping) and I prep everything I need to make it through the work week without derailing. I make egg muffin cups for breakfast, salads, grilled chicken, big batch of brown rice, etc. I pretty much cook everything that I need to cook for the week on Sunday, and I make enough to last til Saturday for my breakfasts and lunches. I also make sure I have enough snacks for the week like fresh fruit, rice cakes, natural peanut butter, nuts...the good stuff. We cook dinner at home almost every night (I am blessed with a partner who loves to cook) and it's usually a lean protein, veggies and a little bit of starch (usually potatoes, if I'm eating rice w/ lunch). If I'm going to be out and about for the day, I always bring lots of water and healthy snacks so I'm not tempted to eat junk food. Good luck, prepping is the way to go!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I second the crockpot nod! I use my crockpot to make steel cut oats overnight on Sundays, eat Monday's helping, then portion out the week's worth into microwave-safe containers to grab as fast breakfast. I use the larger crockpot to make beans, either overnight or while I'm at work. They become the basis of meals for the rest of the week, either as the bulk for a salad, soup additions, refried beans.... Having this ingredient ready, though, makes the rest of the week's cooking go well.

    Right now, we're on summer vacation, but during the school year I hard boil a dozen eggs on Sunday so my kids can grab them quickly and keeping fruit on hand keeps me from bad snacking choices.