fibit one.. I'm lost

So I got my fitbit, synced it, went to the gym and now here is my issue. my calorie intake per day per MFP is supposed to be 1700. According to MFP the cardio I did today burned 600 calories (I take that with a grain of salt btw). I ate breakfast/lunch 570 calories so far today. Doing the math I should still have 1700 cal to eat if I so choose (give or take). Now, according to fitbit, which has neen synced again and the negative adjustment was turned on, it only have 1000 left.
I feel like I'm just not understanding how the two apps work. they log my food fine, but I feel like my time spent on the elliptical and stationary bike (which I know fitbit doesn't count well) just aren't being logged correctly.
HAs anyone found a way to maintain an accurate tracking? Am I doing something wrong? *sigh*