
Hey everybody, thought I may as well introduce myself. I'm Zachary and currently 19 years old attending college. Currently studying Computer Science. I run 2 businesses that are very successful which consume most of my summer. Was active most of my younger life, played soccer very competitively but decided not to pursue anything for college athletics and quit soccer during my Junior year of high school. Since then I have put on a little bit of weight, and completely stopped working out. Pairing that with unhealthy college eating and other illicit activities I would like to lose that extra weight. Currently 203 pounds, looking to get back down to 170 so I can regular the gym in the fall with my roommates when they get back.

If you are looking for a friend/motivation. send me a friend request!


  • jawn
    jawn Posts: 8
    Hey and welcome to the forums! I just started using my account yesterday.. if you are serious about losing weight, you should log everyday (:

    Add me if you want as I'm going to be a daily user and looking for people to stay motivated with!