high protein food, low carbs ,passing my calorie goal..



  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    I'd swap your protein and carbs ratios round to give yourself a bit of an easier time. Calories determine weightloss not your macro ratio.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    Hi there ,

    If you aren't experienced enough to help, then move along rather than having a go at the OP.

    Activity is NOT essential for weight loss.

    I have enough experience to recognize that the OP's problems will not be solved by weight loss. A healthy lifestyle is needed. If you had a little more experience you would realize your advice will make the OP into a skinny but overfat vegetable. Depriving the body of food to lose weight is an idiotic thing to do when it leads to all sorts of health problems. The quality of food is more important than the amount. Some people rant about caloric deficits as if they are some sort of holy grail. But in reality, most obese people do not eat enough good food to nourish their bodies. Their bodies are always hungry because garbage contains no nutrients. So my advice to the OP is: IGNORE YOUR WEIGHT, BE ACTIVE, ONLY EAT HEALTHY FOOD WHICH NOURISHES YOUR BODY.

    You sound like you need a sweetie :)
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Protein shake. Chicken breast. Tuna.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    So your calorie goal is 1200, you drink lots of juice and eat lots of fruits (which is going to be like half your goal right there if by "lots" you mean a few pieces of fruit and a few glasses of juice), yet you want to get to 40% of your calories from protein but without any sort of protein supplement. Honestly I'm not sure how or why you were planning on hitting 30% of your 1200 calories from carbs (which is only like 350 calories) while simultaneously drinking lots of juice and eating lots of fruit.

    I don't think there is a viable solution given your arbitrary constraints.

    What I would suggest (especially since twice a week you blow out your calorie goal anyways) is that instead of setting your goal to 1200 calories you set it to something much more reasonable like 1600 and if you really want that much protein then you have to cut back on other things like "lots of juice" in favor of things like meats or nuts or beans.
  • dukslayer4051
    dukslayer4051 Posts: 66 Member
    im in the same boat as you, little to no time to werk out, hectic schedule, kids and all... i even have some stuff i can do at the house.
    one thing that helps me is shakes, but i understand not taking them. the obvious alternate is egg whites, tuna, and greek yogurt. all high in protein and low in fat.
    the other trouble with such schedule is consistancy. that is my biggest trouble. prepairing meals ahead of time really helps that though but duz take some extra work and planning.

    good luck
  • mammahawk25
    mammahawk25 Posts: 39 Member
    Here are some of the foods I eat, I am also aiming for a high protein diet, I reduced fruit a lot due to high sugar, and replaced with veggies, which surprisingly do have some protein content and if you eat plenty will help you reach your goal. I don't eat meat but if I did I would be adding
    100g chicken (not coated of fried) 182 calories 23g protein 10g fat.

    200g Chobani, no fat Greek yogurt, or similar, 120 calories, 20g protein no fat 8g sugar
    100g tuna chunks in spring water, 115 calories 26g protein, negligible fat no sugar
    200g fat free cottage cheese 176 calories 23g protein 5g fat 8g sugar, watch the sodium though.
    142g basa fish filet 130 calories, 21g protein, 5g fat, no sugar
    300mls light milk, 138 calories, 10g protein, 4g fat 15g sugar. I make milky coffee between meals, keeps me fuller.
    150g birds eye green veg mix, 62 cal, 5g protein, no fat 3g sugar
    126g pure egg, simply egg whites 62 cal, 14g protein, no fat/sugar
    1 egg, 70 calories, 6g protein, 6g fat no sugar
    100g salmon, 206 calories, 22g protein 12g fat.
    25g protein powder, I know you don't want to hear it, but now and then, especially if I am out in the evening, I will have a shake in the day,93 calories, 18g protein, 2g fat 3g sugar. Often I add the powder to something like yogurt, as I really do prefer to eat my calories :-)

    I am actually going to go back to tuna in oil and full fat milk as I am not getting enough fat in my diet, and I will drop some of my carby treats to make up for it.

    As for exercise, just try to make time, walk a bit more, take the stairs more, find a few simple exercises you can do at home, even just 10 minutes of cardio at home to get your heart pumping is going to help. I found a few exercises on u tube, I was doing 20 minutes 3 times a week. It used to make me feel quite energetic and in a good mood for the day. Now I make time to go to the gym 3-4 times a week. Because I love the feeling I get from exercise I gave up my other hobby (computer gaming) but that's just me.

    Good luck with your diet. I hope you work things out :-)

    This is a good list here. Thank you! I have been trying to add more protein to my diet. I also don't like to drink my calories and the past week I've tried several different kinds of protein bars and found most all of them disgusting...couldn't choke down more than the first bite. (I did find a couple varieties that I may be able to get down in a pinch)

    I may switch to Chobani yogurt, didn't realize it had so much protein. I've been eating dannon's greek yogurt which I think has only 12 grams. I think I will also try protein powder in my yogurt...great idea!

    The last two days I've been really trying to meet my protein goal, it's been really hard, but I feel so much better!