Concequences of half-month binge

Hello there! I need some help because I am not sure what have I done with this damn binge eating. I was binging straight 13 days of June (not every single day, but: 1-2 days back on track, next day - binge). I was training hard to work everything off (burned every day nearly 660kcal, some days - 1200, so hard) and every time promised myself that I will stop binge tomorrow. Now I have binged 2 days in a row (at least my stomach didn't want to explode these days), I was eating out it KFC, buying some cookies, ice cream, etc. I feel extremely bloated, I feel skin soreness. It seems like I've gained a lot of fat, because my stomack has become bigger like there is extra stored fat. Is it possible to gain REAL fat from all of the that stuff? How long it will take to recover and bring flat belly and skinny body back? I feel so ashamed, seriously. These unhealthy relations with food is killing me. I need ro break this binge cycle, but I don't now how. I feel like I don't deserve to eat anything at all. :(


  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Is it emotional? You need to identify what is triggering it. Often a diet mentality in itself, and putting pressure on oneself to stick to some specific plan, can actually trigger binge eating. I would suggest not beating yourself up after you binge, setting your calories to maintenance, not restricting yourself and focusing on fitness goals for now. I find the more I tell myself I need to get back on track and get back to avoiding certain foods, the more likely I am to binge. It has actually been proven that dieting often leads to overeating and actually makes it harder to lose weight.

    Try having a look at this book, if you have the finances to buy it in Kindle or paper format. I suggest this book to anyone actually, who struggles with binge eating or who has been trapped in a constant pattern of yo yo dieting.
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Seems to me that you use working out, to kinda punish yourself for binging? Is that right? Also if you're restricting yourself too much (after a binge) and then burn nearly 1200 calories, means you'll be starving then eating too much. My advice: reduce your workouts for like an hour a day tops, eat more protein (try protein shakes/powders/bars for snacks), add more healthy fats AND add some of your favourite things like a chocolate, or some chips but fit them into your calorie goal. That way you won't feel the need to binge. Good luck, I hope I helped a little! :)
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    Pleas get professional help, this is not healthy.