Lemon Meringue Cake... Super Low Cals

nyiballs Posts: 147
Me again... I am risking being known as the meringue guy, but it's so tasty and so low calorie.

I've been playing around with a new dessert that maximizes the lemon pairing with meringue without the nasty calories that come with making a pie crust and filling. Hence, my lemon meringue cake.

My meringue recipe is the same as I use for the 2 calorie cookies, and can be found here:

This recipe calls for that meringue to be placed on top of this cake, and baked at about 425 for just a few minutes. Total damage for one of these bad boys will only run you about 140 calories! Of course, you can make this without the meringue.

Lemon Cake:
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
2 tbsp splenda or sugar alternative (dont get on me haters... use agave, honey, whatever)
1/2 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp lemon extract
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tbsp all purpose flour (I'm sure you can substitute with whole wheat, haven't tried)

Combine all the ingredients in a microwave safe glass bowl. Oh yeah... it's a microwave recipe!

This is a finicky recipe... Microwave for 4 minutes at 60% power. I cannot stress this enough. Too hot or two long and you will get a lemon hockey puck. Too cold or too short, and you get mush.

Once it's done, take it our, let it sit and cool for a few minutes... use that time to make your meringue.

Plop the meringue on top, right in the bowl if you wish, and throw it in the oven for a few minutes to brown the meringue.

There you go! You'll have a lemony, meringuey, gooey, sweet, and sour treat for very little caloric footprint.

Let me know when you try it!


  • nyiballs
    nyiballs Posts: 147
    Cake on its own is 110 calories if you were wondering...