Calorie Goals and Going Over

If someone is having a sort of a "cheat day" or just a day to relax and not worry about calories, how much is too much? I'm sure we would agree that going a full 1,000 calories over your goal is way overindulgent, but what about 500? 100? 50? How much is worth getting up and exercising to burn it off, and how much is too little to fret over?

I'm 40 over my goal today (haven't had a drink in a little while, and I love Bailey's Irish Cream), and I feel like stressing over that would be obsessive, but I wonder how the rest of the community would feel if they had a single day in which they did this.


  • Odinisgod
    Odinisgod Posts: 46 Member
    It's not the single day you go over calories that will hurt you, it's the frequency with which you have those "single" days. I try not to look at day-to-day as much as week-to-week. Just be honest about logging, and try to make up for over-indulgent days later or earlier in the week.
  • TiffieLand
    TiffieLand Posts: 159
    I don't do cheat day or cheat meal. I just eat what I like but still stay within the calories goal of the day by only eat a bit or in moderation. Or just workout a bit more to make up for it. It is so much easier and you don't restrict yourself to certain foods. I feel more stress out and want to eat more when I'm limited like that.
  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    If I have a cheat day or a special occasion I just try to make sure I don't go over maintenance. If I'm still under that I'm doing okay in the long run.
  • susanlovesfitness
    susanlovesfitness Posts: 25 Member
    I used to never do a cheat meal and would stay on mt plan. It owuld drive me crazy and well, I stopped losing weight. Now, I allow myself a chat day and my normal calories daily are 1340 and on my refeed day, i take in 2100 and it allows me to eat with my friends and family or events and such. I started losing weight doing this and it has worked out so I do not crave or go crazy with things.
  • CJPi
    CJPi Posts: 4
    I agree with what was said above regarding weeks vs. days. You can obsess every single day down the last calorie, or you can look at the weeks and see your patterns overall. It's easy to focus in on one day when you aren't logging in that often or if you're just new and haven't had much time to see your patterns arise. But once you have a few weeks logged in you'll see that having a day here and there where you're 100 or 500 over is usually made up by the rest of the time, being just a little bit under.

    If you look at a week and you see that more than half the time you're going over your limit, then that's the time to reevaluate. But every now and then? No big deal.
  • Maricakes93
    Maricakes93 Posts: 1 Member
    I saw an article once that said cheat days are a big no no. Basically how it works, when you're eating healthy or staying within your daily nutritional values, your body is getting weaned off of sugar and processed carbs. When you do a cheat day, it gets you re-addicted. How the article explained it, if there's an alcoholic that's been sober for 2 weeks and says hes going to go binge drink BUT DON'T WORRY, it's only for one night! You would look at him like he's insane. You need to treat it like that. Most people are addicted to the salty, sugary, and over processed foods that we used to eat and having a cheat day gets your body addicted again. This makes your body crave those foods like it used to. My advice? Eat in moderation. Have a cookie, have cake, whatever you want. But in moderation. Stay within your nutritional goals and you'll be happier in the long run.
  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    As long as I'm at my maintenance amount or even about 200 calories over it - I instantly forgive myself, move on and eat at a deficit the next day, sometimes a higher deficit than normal but definitely a not too crazy one so I don't binge (been there got numerous t-shirts).

    PS. Baileys is the absolute bomb. :love: Only just tried the Chocolate Luxe, it's SO rich and probably a good thing as I can only have 1 or 2 of those. I think my favourite which was a surprise to me is the Orange Truffle! Tastes like the orange Quality Streets.
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I have a high enough calorie goal that I don't feel there is anything I can't fit into it if need be. Massive meal out with family planned, no problem just have a lighter breakfast and lunch.

    However I would let myself eat 3000 calories or so maybe once ever two months, because at that frequency it really is harmless and it means I get to be more spontaneous once and a while.