fed up with loose skin!!!! help

Okay, so I've lost a good amount of weight, but the loose skin is bothering me. I want to dive in to some serious weight training, but I don't know where to begin.
Hence the following questions:

1.What exercises have you done that actually help to minimize loose skin?
2. In order to intake more protein, does my calorie count have to increase?
Any shared advice or experience with loose skin is welcomed. I'm stumped.


  • ehodgdend4
    ehodgdend4 Posts: 27 Member
    Well first of all it depends on how much loose skin you have, if its little it will take some time for it to even out, if its alot of loose skin normally surgery is the only real option or deal with it

    1.What exercises have you done that actually help to minimize loose skin?
    Well depends on where you loose skin is at arms and legs you can so some strength training to help that out a little but like a said before if its alot of loose skin then kinda SoL on that but then again i dont have loose skin and what loose skin that i have got i've been building muscle to fill it in not all gone but now its not as much

    2. In order to intake more protein, does my calorie count have to increase?
    No you dont have to increase calories if you increase protein, but depends on what youre trying to do if youre trying to gain muscle mass then yes you have to increase calories to gain muscle, and protein does help, but theirs a limit on how much protein you should intake a day. You want around one gram per pound of body weight worth of protein (e.g. if you weigh 150lbs, eat 150g protein. If you get a little less, it won't matter, but 1g/lb of body weight is a good rule of thumb). If you eat a few more no big deal but to much and its a waste of protein, and i think it can be bad for you, not too sure about that a doctor told me that awhile back

    Hopefully this help answer some of your questions that you might have

    good luck on trying to lose your loose skin
  • Daniellev2
    Daniellev2 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks. I will take this into consideration and get started. :)
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Plastic surgery is my only hope. But I have no money. I am 61. Menopause took all the fat from my butt and hips and shifted it around to my waist and midriff. My weight did not change; it redistributed. Now my butt is flat and hangs in wrinkles at the bottom like wrinkled clothes. When I lose more than a very few pounds, my upper arms are a mass of corrugated wrinkles, my midriff/waist seersucker puckery wrinkles, my belly loose droopy wrinkled skin and the skin right above my knees wrinkly. I am 5' 3 1/2" and 121 lbs. If I thought it would fill out the butt wrinkles, I would be willing to weigh 200 or 250 pounds and I mean that sincerely. Excess fat is a thousand times less hideous than a wrinkled *kitten*. Menopause redistributes weight and causes skin to become very thin and lack elasticity. It isn't due to weight loss. Nor sun damage. And I have never been pregnant. I am under no illusions; exercise would not work for me and I know it. Menopause destroyed my figure.
  • Daniellev2
    Daniellev2 Posts: 25 Member
    I will be looking into surgery as well. I've heard about the effects of menopause and the skin. I've heard some people say if you lost it naturally, write a letter to the hospital or doctor you're looking to perform the surgery, and maybe they can help you out.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I have some too but would hate the scarring more than the crepey skin so will dress to conceal it and keep my frame strong and muscular so that what there is hangs better. We can't easily eradicate our past misdemeanors and accepting we'll never be perfect seems the safest way to proceed. Don't be too critical of yourself, it's likely that others don't notice it as much as you do yourself.
  • Daniellev2
    Daniellev2 Posts: 25 Member
    Thankyou for that. I will continue to do my best to build some muscle :)