Is it time to stop lowering my goal weight?



  • RaspberryTickleChicken
    RaspberryTickleChicken Posts: 629 Member
    hehe you are not alone and there are quite a few different school of thoughts. You just need to find which works best for you.

    For example, my goal weight was 107 from 136 and when I reached my GW I was ecstatic!

    I found myself in a little 'maintaining' funk & perused these forums for some advice & inspiration. I came across a thread about if people chose their final weight or did it chose them. The majority of the responses was that their final weight chose them. At the time I couldn't really understand how that happens until it happened to me.

    Once I reached my goal weight I just continued my healthy eating, regular exercise, and carried on my daily routine as I have done in the past 12 - 18 months. I lost an additional 10 - 12 lbs quite effortlessly and have stayed at my CW 95 - 97 lbs for about 7 months now. I've dipped to 94 lbs on a few occasion but I couldn't comfortably maintain 94. It was a rather laborious to try & maintain so I've accepted my CW of 95 - 97.

    SO if you believe in the school of thought that 'your body knows' - my suggestion would be to continue to do what you are doing as long as it is with little effort. If you really have to work at it & it seems a burden, then perhaps you are at your optimal weight. Sorry for the long response hope this helps a bit.