Bartender on a!

gsm12 Posts: 11 Member
Hey guys. Im a bartender and am struggling to work 12 hours, surrounded by bar food, until early in the morning when food options are limited to fast food. Any tips on how to stay awake without chugging red bulls and how to avoid eating quick, but greasy, food? I know that bringing my own food is a good option but my boss is a little weird about it because we are a restaurant/bar. And our salads suck!


  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Presumably you can't eat when you're behind the bar?
  • eggcluck
    eggcluck Posts: 36 Member
    Nuts are small and portable and loaded with nutrients, you can also use liquid food such as smoothies and protein shakes.

    I used to work as a waiter 12 hour shifts in restaurants and hotels so I was around food all day it was the same, perhaps even worse since I was in the Kitchen all the time. In the end I just had to develop some self discipline and I was not keen on the healthy options there but I ate them mostly out of convenience but no one took offence at the times I did bring my own.

    That said as a waiter it was hard to put on weight with all the walking around I had to do, when food was finished it was the male waiters that had to move all the heavy tables around ( in the function halls) and was and move all the dishes back downstairs into storage so I burned plenty of fat getting the work done. Perhaps you could keep volunteering yourself to go out on the glass collecting run?
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    I work in a fast-good place that has no fridge and the only break room is an 8×10 cubicle with 3 chairs, lol. This has absolutely not prevented me from bringing a lunchbox with my own food, i just try to make sure it's not something that will spoil, or i take ice packs. I have noticed that i am the only person who does this, but it still doesn't deter me. If you have no break room at all, you could put portable things in your purse or pockets, like packets of nuts, little packets of pretzels, or something similar.
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    Maybe a protein shake? Also, drink lots of water. You can probably keep it behind the bar and staying hydrated is important.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Staying awake means sleeping during the day. It also means saying NO to all the people who think it's okay, just this once, for you to be up during the day. People who wouldn't dream of asking a 9-5 person to stay out with them until eleven will have no problem asking you to give them a ride home from their medical procedure that is scheduled at 9:00.

    Say No. Say Hell No if you must. But sleep.

    Eat at home and bring little snacks in a baggie. If you don't know how to sneak some snacks, ask the other bartenders how they sneak some booze. It happens all the time. Get sneaky. :)
  • itistobeme
    itistobeme Posts: 12
    Invest in a magic bullet and make smoothies with greens (zucchini, kale, spinach) + frozen bananas and berries + almond milk. They're so filling and healthy and easy to eat on the go. Have a sensible meal before the shift. Put 24 raw almonds in your pocket and graze on those during the night. Drink water and club soda with lime/lemon. If your boss has a problem, blame your doctor. Or tell him to stick it. Make a vegetable heavy sandwich or a baked sweet potato before work so you have something right away when the shift is over, before you can make a last minute stop for something you'll not like writing in your MFP journal! You can do it!
  • gsm12
    gsm12 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks guys! Smoothies and nuts sound like the way to go. Its a high volume bar so little things I can snack on when I have 10 spare minutes are ideal.
  • georgiagreeneyes
    georgiagreeneyes Posts: 69 Member
    Definitely eat before your shift starts! Will you drink coffee instead of energy drinks? I'm a medical student and on days I know I'm going to be running around without time to stop for lunch, I usually calorie load in the morning with bullet proof coffee or a protein shake with coffee ( The fat will keep you feeling satiated for hours so hopefully you won't feel as tempted during your shift!
  • Blueseraphchaos
    Blueseraphchaos Posts: 843 Member
    Also, if you can find time, you could make a bunch of quick, easy meals that you could pull out after a long day at work and just quickly reheat and eat. Sometimes, i do a ton of cooking (like i did today) and pretty much live off those leftovers or whatever during the week. I made muffins that are 167 calories each, loaves of bread, and have lunch meat in my fridge, which takes care of breakfast (muffin + banana for about 275 calories) and a quick dinner (sandwich and whatever else i happen to have lying around).

    Edited because math is hard
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    First things first - Get rid of the energy drinks - Packed with sugar!!

    Drink lots of water throughout your day, will keep you awake & hydrated than the above.

    Take fruit to work, snacks on the go - Small things to quickly pick at

    Or have a nice chicken salad for lunch/sandwich

    You want to try and pick high protein foods/ Eggs/ fish/ Chicken/ Nuts/ Cottage cheese/ Greek yoghurt etc.

    Greasy foods are rubbish packed with oil & to me empty calories... I would rather have something more filling to keep me going for hours .. just try and not pick them bar snacks... Set a nice slimming picture on your phone to keep you motivated : )