Okay.... I'm opening myself up here.

So I joined MFP ages ago, but have only been logging religiously for the last 68 days. I have so far successfully lost 16.5lbs.
Until now I've read the forums, participated in a couple, but pretty much have kept myself to myself. But now I'm opening myself up for a support network.

Here's me:
I am a teacher, which means I'm usually absolutely shattered most nights and after doing my prep and marking the last thing I want to do is cook each night. So for the last 68 days I have eaten various pre-packaged oven/microwave meals. Okay so this isn't 'clean' eating. And if you're sat there judging me you can jog right on. It is a hell of a lot better than the "can't be bothered to cook, sitting on my bum (I'm English), asking my husband what he wants for tea, running out of time, and ordering a delivery" cycle that was happening 3-4 times a week.
I have a cross trainer at home, which I love. But I also do You Are Your Own Gym from my ipad app. Currently upto week 5 of the beginners programme but most of the exercises are adapted. My plan is to finish this then start it again and see an improvement in the intensity I can bare. I also love swimming and yoga, and I really want to get back into both.
I do log daily, but I don't click 'complete entry' or whatever it is called. So if you are my friend you won't be notified when I have finished my food diary. But it's open for you to have a nosey any time you want. Same with my exercise.

So if you are similar to me, send me a friend request and we'll see how it goes. (I will remove any freaks lol).

What I can offer...
Well I'm online far too much. When I'm not working I live on my ipad.
I firmly believe calories in < calories out. So if you are plateauing I May question your logging and/or burning rates.
I don't pay much attention to much macros and other than trying to keep sodium under control I have no interest in my micros. I am not a lifter, I have no desire to put the effort in to maintain that for life. But I do want to improve my fitness. (Both in terms of what I can do but also my recovery rate). I do believe a calorie is a calories, within reason. (Like I wouldn't advocate eating only chocolate but if it fits your calories why not have some everyday. I do.)

*edit to say*
If you've sent me a friend request before and I clicked no, that was because I wasn't ready to open up to strangers. :)


  • 8Nuya8
    8Nuya8 Posts: 30
    I am new as well loved your username and therefore had to read your entry ;)
    I like how you view the process, plus I respect people who choose to become teachers a great deal. Its such an important job and goes unseen way too often.
    And I am online way too much as well^^
    But I am completely new so I cant offer anything I guess...
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    It's hard work, but I do love teaching :)
  • crystalbluewolf13
    crystalbluewolf13 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi and welcome btw love your username xD
  • christinacrisfield
    christinacrisfield Posts: 77 Member
    I am also a teacher. I feel your pain. I actually find that when I work out, I have more energy to finish my work for the night and am much better the next day. Feel free to ad me.