Exercise with no thyroid

I haven't been on here for two years and since I have gained 20 more pounds, I lose weight and then gain it back. Looking for others that may be dealing with thyroid issues or no thyroid and diet and exercise that has worked for them. I have struggled with hashimotos thyroiditis for years, my thyroid wrapped around my trachea and esophagus cutting off airway.It was as big as a large baking potato , no cancer. I had surgery leaving in 1/4 of the thyroid, a year later it grew again , this time pushing my trachea and esophagus to the left collapsing it. This time growing as big as a preemie baby. Over several years I have lost weight but I have never had the motivation to stick with it. After losing about 20 pounds my thyroid levels go out of whack then meds have to be readjusted, thinking need to go to dr. after a certain number of pounds are lost for thyroid labs. Need lots of support. please help!


  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    I am hypothyroid too........ as well as having other autoimmune problems that compound my weight issues! I am trying to lose, regaining like yourself, but determined to try to get to as healthy weight and fitness level as possible. I have been back, properly, to MFP for 3 weeks... not lost yet, but sticking to a calorie deficit and getting my fitness levels up!
    I log daily, offer support and comment on my friends posts regularly....add me if you like!
  • Emerald5671
    Emerald5671 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow! You really have had some struggles. I too have thyroid/Hashimotos issues. I have a non cancerous growth on my thyroid too, but it is not growing. I am so sorry you have gone through such hard times. I just restarted mfp after not really being committed over the years. I am finding success this time by logging in everyday with my calories and exercise. Please add me for support.:smile: You can do this!!!
  • hypojosie
    hypojosie Posts: 5
    Hi, I have hasimotos and have been struggling with weight gain too. My background is working as a personal trainer, used to be incredibly fit and lean. Then one week had put on a kilo, then another kilo a week later, this went on for 12 weeks. To cut a long story short, I recently went totally grain free and I am finally losing weight. I have come back here to keep a food diary and be accountable.

    I am able to exercise well, thanks to being on natural thyroid hormone. It definitely is possible for us to lose weight but it is much harder for us and we have to eliminate inflammation causing foods. Good luck everyone, good to be here with other thyroid people because we are different to the norm lol.
  • zodan1976
    zodan1976 Posts: 30 Member
    I am hypothyroid too. I was just diagnosed with it at the end of may and I also have PCOS and Insulin Resistant. My doctor has told me I need to loose down to 130lbs. but right now I'm shooting for 160lbs. I never understood why I kept gaining weight and why I was soooo tired all the time. Would love to be friends with all you ladies and we could help support each other on our journeys???
  • clutterqueen
    clutterqueen Posts: 1,652 Member
    I too have Hashimotos and pernicious anemia as well! I have to give myself B12 injections at home. I used to have SO much energy before my thyroid crashed! My husband used to call me the energizer bunny! I could take hardcore back to back cardio classes and would be fine at the end of two hours! Now I can only do one hour and then struggle through some strength exercises. I feel your pain! Any of you who struggle with the same, feel free to add me! I didn't even mention the joy I'm finding in menopause!:)