3x/week exerciser and want to gain muscle-crossfit or ?

I am a 5'2", 40something mom hoping to lose a little weight, but mostly add muscle and strength and overall conditioning. The problem is that my exercise time right now is very limited--am often with little kids morning and night, and exercise at work not possible.

Right now I live a block from a cross fit gym and go about 3x/week (but sometimes only once or twice). While I do like the efficiency of it--in and out in an hour--and i have added strength and cardiovascular conditioning, I feel that the weight lifting part of it is minimal FOR ME--I don't feel comfortable lifting heavy weights in the context of a WOD (have had several knee surgeries and one of my shoulder joints has been inflamed for a while). I am not a 'beast' and very often am lifting the lightest in the room. I do get an excellent cardio workout, however, and have increased strength, esp in bodyweight exercises (push ups, pull ups, etc).

Wondering if I should try to go to a gym (which I would have to drive to, so add 20 min on either end of the work out) and just do a lifting program where I can do steady, careful lifting. If I did that, though I'd probably not have much time for cardio, though I could try to squeeze it in. Basically, am asking what is the most efficient way for me to put on some muscle and lose a little fat? Could I supplement with home weights, or would I really need heavy weights to see a difference? Or should I focus more on diet at this point, which could use some work.

Please feel free to critique my diary as well. I know I have a few bad habits to break..


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Well, trying to do the two things at the same time isn't going to get you very far (build muscle, lose fat). It's possible, but it's really slow if you nail it perfectly. If you mess it up, you'll just spin your wheels.

    You'll get faster results by doing one modality at a time. If you think your bf% is too high now, then cut. If you want more muscle, then bulk.

    CF would work fine for cutting - it's weighted, metabolic work, so as long as you keep your proteins high and are consistent about keeping a modest deficit then you'll cut up if you give it time.

    For building muscle, you're probably best off getting on a progressive lifting routine and eating 250-500 over maintenance a day until you can no longer stand the amount of fat you're putting on, then go back to cutting.

    ETA: Yes fat loss/muscle gain is diet. Training provides the stimulus, but it's only half the equation. Nail your numbers in the kitchen if you want results.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Well with CF being designed for a 3:1 schedule, @ only 3x/week you're not really following the WOD programming anyway ...
    since time is a valued commodity to you, I don't see tacking on an additional 40 minutes per workout as sustainable.
    Can you talk to your CF coaches about coming up with a program for you?
    No need to do the WOD just because you walk in the door ya?