Crystal light with caffeine -addiction?

So, I've just started back with myfitnesspal, and am trying hard to eliminate one thing at a time. My biggest daily "addiction" is Crystal Light's caffeine strawberry flavor. I might have to say I'm an addict here and wondering if anyone else feels the same way? I drink 2-3 a day. (The powder mixes in your 16 oz water bottle). I don't like coffees, sodas or teas, so this was the perfect drink, as I love the sweet flavor and I get my caffeine fix too. But there must be something else addictive lay speaking, in this drink bc I find myself hiding the boxes in my house if I think someone else might take my last one. I would have thought that was just me being weird, but then learned another friend was doing it too. I know that everyone says aspertame is no good, which this has too. So, to start this better healthy life, I want to get off of it. I do like the ease of the water bottle and mixing it. Does anyone know of a mix that does not contain aspertame or other bad sugar substitutes, is caffeine free, and is strawberry flavored. I tried using my magic bullet to add some strawberries and a little mixed berry zero caffeine to it, but it has sacra lose in only have eliminated the caffeine with that. Plus, strawberries wont be in season much longer and I'd like something I could just buy. Any help to replace my addiction?


  • kindaouttaluck
    kindaouttaluck Posts: 9 Member
    vitamin water zero has no caffeine (well, most of them anyway), the only sweetener in it is stevia (considered to be natural), is fruit flavored, and contains vitamins. It does not taste as good as crystal light, it's very mild and to be honest I think it is gross, but you may like it. A lot of people do.

    crystal light makes flavors without caffeine and I think they have a line of flavors with only stevia instead of aspartame/splenda
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You are not an addict so please stop using that word it demeans those with real problems who suffer from real world addictions. Would you steal and rob to get your next fix of Crystal light? Err no.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member

    Kane! Sugar! Kane! Sugar! Kane!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Did someone say Crystal Light?
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    Did someone say Crystal Light?

    Ha! :heart:
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I don't understand why you can't drink that, and lead a healthy life. It's 10cals a packet, so you have what, 30 calories a day, that's not terrible.

    Aspartame is not "no good" it's neutral.

    To answer your question:

    If you want to stop drinking it, stop buying it. Willpower will be the only thing that helps. Some people need to go cold turkey, others taper down. You could allot yourself a specific amount each week, once it's gone- it's gone.

    Week 1- 21
    Week 2- 18
    Week 3- 15
    Week 4- 13
    Week 5 10
    Week 6- 7
    Week 7- 4
    Week 8- 1

    I'm not giving advice on replacing your "addiction", because I think that's unhealthy.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    You are not an addict so please stop using that word it demeans those with real problems who suffer from real world addictions. Would you steal and rob to get your next fix of Crystal light? Err no.

    Are you serious?

    Caffeine addiction is real. It's a chemical addiction. People have withdrawals when they stop using. Normally nobody has to steal or do anything illegal to get their caffeine fix because caffeine is 1-legal and 2-everywhere.

    I know someone addicted to caffeine. It's a pretty huge problem for anyone who encounters them on a day where they can't get / haven't had caffeine. They become an extremely miserable human being capable of anything.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member

    So with that out of the way, unless you have a sensitivity to aspartame or to caffeine, there's no reason you need to give it up unless you get a kick out of depriving yourself of foods/drinks that you love. Self flagellation is not required on the road to better health, moderation and education are.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You are not an addict so please stop using that word it demeans those with real problems who suffer from real world addictions. Would you steal and rob to get your next fix of Crystal light? Err no.

    Are you serious?

    Caffeine addiction is real. It's a chemical addiction. People have withdrawals when they stop using. Normally nobody has to steal or do anything illegal to get their caffeine fix because caffeine is 1-legal and 2-everywhere.

    I know someone addicted to caffeine. It's a pretty huge problem for anyone who encounters them on a day where they can't get / haven't had caffeine. They become an extremely miserable human being capable of anything.

    Did they give a handjob for Crystal Light? No? Then you need to get serious and stop acting like a caffeine "addiction" is on the level of drugs.