What is your go-to meal/day after overeating?



  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    my go-to is just going back to normal eating. even though i tend to see an up-tick on the scale, within a day or two its back down and i am back on track.


    I usually drink extra water and go back to "regularly scheduled programming". I don't deprive myself of anything, I just go back to eating normally with lots of vegetables, less sodium. Maybe cut the ice cream for a week or so and enjoy a small square of dark chocolate a few nights that week.
  • Rattym123
    Rattym123 Posts: 7
    I just had 2 treat days like you, I call them treat days cause whilst I feel a little guilty there is no way you will ever continue through your life without having to eat them again. So treat days ;-) So I made something tasty but good :-) 2 large grilled mushrooms, with tons of salad, a tsb of pesto and 50g feta cheese! Ooo it's so lovely! Following on right now with some raw blackcurrants and some Chinese green tea :-) x
  • RunTheMountain
    I have a really big salad. I take all the greens I find. kale, swiss chard, cilantro, mustard, MINT, beet's greens, parsley.. whatever I can find. For dressing, I squeeze a lemon and a lime. Make it a big one and chew it good. This usually makes me feel better.