I keep losing the same two pounds - TOTAL SELF SABOTAGE!

madpie Posts: 1 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I've been using this site for about 5 months and I keep losing the same 2-3 pounds. Everytime I lose a little, its like I then give myself permission to eat unhealthy again. Does anybody else experience this?? What can I do to get over (or under) those two pounds? Thanks



  • when you loose the same 2 pounds do you lose inches? Because it's been happening to me for the last 4 weeks but inches are definately coming off so i'm kind of okay with it ! :smile:
  • jchudon
    jchudon Posts: 33 Member
    Unfortunatly, you're probably just losing and gaining water back...
    It's very big average to take with a grain of salt but usually, if you're close to obese, you've got a good 10 pounds of water wich you'll lose before losing any fat :\

    Just don't give up. Food is a dug and being obese is very close to being alcholic. It's easy to get back in shape if you have will. The hard part is to resis temptations ;)
  • Me! Me! Me!
    What has turned the corner for me, since I know I do this is I meet with a group and go run every weekday at 7am. Gets it done before work and has got that weight off and stays off.
    Also I try to practice "mindful eating". Be aware of how I am feeling, why I am feeling, am I full.
    Drink LOTS of water.
    This is what helps me.
  • jamie1888
    jamie1888 Posts: 1,704 Member
    You have to change your thought process that you can "reward yourself" and eat unhealthy. The reward isn't eating something bad, the reward is losing the 2lbs! Try to set yourself a mini-goal that you wont have any "cheat" meal until you've lost 10lbs. (or something like that). I can't see your food diary and offer any help there. If you stay within your calorie goal, watch sodium intake, avoid processed/prepackaged foods, drink lots of water, exercise, etc (doing all the right things), then you will lose weight.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Hello, I've been using this site for about 5 months and I keep losing the same 2-3 pounds. Everytime I lose a little, its like I then give myself permission to eat unhealthy again. Does anybody else experience this?? What can I do to get over (or under) those two pounds? Thanks


    OMG!! I thought something was wrong with me because I did that!!! :laugh: I have been on MFP since Oct 2008 and I would last for a week or 2 . I would lose like 2 lbs and in my mind I would say "Ok so I know I can lose the weight. Nothing is wrong with me phsically" Then I would go sabotage and start drinking wine and eating anything I wanted thinking I could always go back and lose the weight anytime. Then I gain the 2 lbs back then get discouraged keep in my that it was totally my fault!!!

    My turning point was this August my weight kept escalating and I was getting more and more depressed and I just had enough.

    You can do it. Just stay focaused and determined!!! :flowerforyou:

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I most definitely experience this and I need to make an effort to reward myself with things other than food...pedicure, haircut, new workout clothes, etc.
  • Mehs
    Mehs Posts: 73 Member
    If your name wasn't attached to your posting, I would have sworn that I wrote it because that has been my story since I joined in Aug. It's easier said than done, but try to reward yourself in other ways or just have one small "bad" thing instead of so much. I'm still trying to practice this myself. I feel your frustration but just keep trying.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    1. Try rewarding yourself with a new, slightly smaller piece of coveted clothing. Or whatever else you dream about besides food: manicure? pedicure? massage?
    2. Ask yourself if you are sabotaging because there is some fear or worry you are not facing. People tend to have trouble with change. Is that the hold-up?
    3. Try slowing down: aim for only half a pound a week, instead of a pound. You will have more calories to work with and can gradually prove to yourself that you can do this.
    4. Watch sodium, limit fat and sugar--but do not totally deprive yourself of every treat, just many of them. A bite of a piece of decadent dessert is fabulous (something as small as a teaspoon can be counted in your food diary--I've done it 'several' times--as long as the rest of the dessert disappears with the rest of your guests.
    5. Can you do this? Yes you can! Will you do this? I think you will... do you agree? I hope so.
    :drinker: (water), Hugs!
  • tbernard
    tbernard Posts: 54 Member
    Start first by removing the word cheat from your vocabulary. When we cheat the rules we feel a sense of power and fulfillment as if we have somehow risen above or beaten the system. Lots of people are obese because they were told not to eat and in their desire to rebel, they chose to eat even more.

    Stop fighting societal rules, and set rules of your own making. Don't cheat. Schedule treats in while making sure that you don't eat beyond your desired calories. And bear in mind that if you treat yourself daily, it isn't a treat...Its a food group.

    Next you might want to look for ways to make these treats more healthy, by making them yourself and choosing your own ingredients.

    Lastly. you might want to ask yourself why you place so much value in food that you would want to use it as a reward in the first place. I appreciate that every kid was told "Be good and we'll get ice cream", but at some point you need to look at what it is doing to your body and trade emotion for logic.
  • idivadi
    idivadi Posts: 222 Member
    Hey., I have been playing wiith same 5lbs of weight for the past 5 years. Not sure what to tell you for encouragement. I am determined that this time is different (I always say that too). Really though I am determined. I have never stiuck to a plan, I have cheated and lied to myself. This time I have recorded all food for the past twenty days----good and bad and thats a first for me. Now I have to start making better choices. I think for the past years I have known that I needed to lose the weight but was in denial about my size. Pictures helped me look at myself--the real me. A series of pictures for the P90X (way above my speed--but I thought I was Ok lol.) The pictures of me in my bikini (front back and sideways) were a real eye opener--it was probably the first time I saw ME. Not my self image of me. They did not match lol and now I am working to blend the two. So I am saying to you and to me---Do not give up. Keep going and it will happen!
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