Help dealing with over doing it?

I began MFP about 9 days ago. I realized pretty quickly that the calorie goal was too low, because I was constantly weak and hungry after the first few days. I found the information about tdee and bmr, and I adjusted my goals on MFP. I have been eating between 1800 and 2200 calories (bmr is 1817, tdee -20% is 2234), and everything has been great.

I went for a three mile mile walk yesterday (constant up or downhill, nothing flat in this neighborhood), took about 56 minutes, felt great after a little rest, then went swimming with my family for a couple hours. I woke up this morning feeling great. I went on this same walk today, but a little later in the morning and much warmer than yesterday. It took 53 minutes today. I was super hot when I got home and having a really hard time catching my breath. It's been hours since I got home, and I am still shaky and feel really weak.

Was it the heat? That's my first thought. Should I space these walks out more? I'm hoping that's not it, I was wanting to do them every morning after the kids go back to school. My body is telling me to eat more today, too. I'm giving it what it wants, I just want to feel better! Any help is appreciated :happy:


  • TheDarkestStar87
    TheDarkestStar87 Posts: 246 Member
    It could just have been the heat. Did you drink enough during and after the walk? The weak and shaky feeling could have been dehydration. Maybe slow down your pace, wear a hat and take a bottle of water with you and see if that changes anything. If you're still feeling shaky, maybe take a rest day between your walks.
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    If yesterday was the first time you went on a 3 mile walk like that (like you are just starting walking), then it could be too much too fast. A day of rest in between for the first week or two would be fine....then if you want to bump it up to every day (or two days in a row with a rest day in between) that would probably be fine as long as you're feeling OK. You should always still keep ~2 days of rest in there....just to give your body time to recoup (and to relax a bit).

    Could have been that you didn't eat enough too or that you were not hydrated enough. You didn't say how hot it was but I usually don't feel as great if I go running and it's >85 degrees and I have to take care to be sure to hydrate lots the day before a run like that. I also generally try to eat a little something an hour or so before my run too...just so I have some fuel.

    Try any of that and see how you feel. You'll be able to walk that distance when school starts again no problem!
  • Eat or drink something with substance! I get shaky and dizzy in heat when my blood sugar is too low and I have to eat more.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    did you eat before you took the walk, and if so, did that food include some complex carbs? also, as others have asked, did you drink water as you went?

    also if you're starting out and not in good shape, 2 walks of up and down hills for an hour a piece in 2 days was probably more than your body could deal with. i've done this to myself a number of times with over-enthusiasm. beside not doing a hard workout two days in a row, you might want to get and use a heart rate monitor. btw, my progress is better with more regular gentler walks rather than really intense ones.

    when i feel shaky and weak, i eat some fat free protein and light complex carbs, and that seems to help, but it's best not to overdo - you could harm yourself. i tore a muscle and caused some hip problem from my over-enthusiasm. i'm still recovering from those, which is holding back my progress.
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    It could be many things. If you are very overweight, it could be too much too soon (although 3 miles in 53 minutes is a very slow pace). If it's too hot, it could be that. If you didn't eat beforehand, it could be that.

    Have something with carbs and no fat before your walk (nonfat yogurt and frozen fruit smoothie is my favorite or a banana). Be hydrated BEFORE your walk and bring water with you. When you get home, have some carbs and protein to refuel. That should help.
  • I only had a granola bar before the walk, which is more than I had yesterday. I have been drinking tons of water since I got home, I had a water bottle with me while walking but didn't drink that much.

    I am quite a bit overweight, but we have been taking this walk for years. Granted, it's been a slow pace with the kids, so the roughly 3 mph walks I have started doing is definitely faster! I know it's not a fast pace, but I will get there.

    We are at about 6500 ft, where the sun is pretty intense at 94 degrees (I didn't know that was going to be our high today). It was already pretty hot when I got home. I'm sure that didn't help. Thanks for the suggestions - I'll be taking a couple days off, then I'll make sure I eat awhile before I go out and drink plenty of water before and after. I may have gotten a little too ambitious!

    Thanks, everyone! I appreciate the help.
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    Good job! 53 mins/3 miles is great! That's a 17 minute mile- up and down hills. Rest a day , and try it again. If you get shaky again go to the Dr. if none of the advice you just received works.
    You should sleep good tonight!