looking for friends/support

My name is Sandie, and I just turned 21 in Feb. After having some health problems and needing to get my gallbladder removed in May, I've been trying to get down to a healthy weight. I started working out with a trainer in January (before I knew about the gallbladder situation) and I am just now starting to see some weight loss but my motivation kinda weans a little when the scale stops going down. And once fall semester starts for me (as a college student) I know my motivation is really going to hit the fan. With living on a college budget its hard to buy healthier foods and I tend to eat a lot of quick fix meals (mac n cheese, ramen, etc). Anyone have any advice for me? I would like to reach a healthy weight by this time next year as Im going back to the UK to visit my mum and I would like to be able to buy new clothes for and during the trip.


  • shadowsofyou
    shadowsofyou Posts: 12 Member
    I can commiserate with the I can't often afford the healthier options but really it's more preparing your own versus processed. Most fresh leaf vegetables aren't really all that expensive. As far as quick fixes there are lot more low calorie frozen meals. I've noticed that the weight watchers ones are often one sale at my local store for $2 a piece and I even found them in our dollar stores frozen section (for $1of course). But it would also affect you if as a college student you didn't have access to a full kitchen. But also even watching portion sizes and making healthier choices ( whole grain toast vs. Donut ) will go a long way. Hope some of these ideas sparks some new ideas!