Vegetarian Recipes?

WinnerMom27 Posts: 21 Member
Hi y'all,
I'm happy to be on here.
We are a pasta-loving vegetarian family, Our common dinners were high in carbs like eggplant parmesan with spaghetti, baked ziti, vegetable stiryfry with a lot of rice or noodles, pasta with alfredo sauce, etc.
Soup is too hot for this season!

Looking for some EASY vegetarian-friendly dinner recipes that are under 400-500 calories. We are not vegan, so we eat eggs and dairy.

Any ideas are welcomed! Thank you :)


  • LessHeavyVeggie
    LessHeavyVeggie Posts: 208 Member
    I'm also a vegetarian who eats a lot of carbs. There are a couple of things I've seen a lot online that I'm planning on trying this week, which both go with the italian theme of the dishes you mentioned.

    Cauliflower pizza base:

    Courgette/Zucchini spaghetti

    Both are customisable to your tastes in terms of pasta sauce/pizza topping. There are a lot of recipes around for both of these ideas but I searched out the simplest, fewest ingredient versions to keep it easy!
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Mmmm... sweet and sour "meatballs"

    The calories are a bit high but most of that are from the nuts in it. You can always substitute low fat cottage cheese and cheddar cheese and buy premade sweet and sour sauce for an extra easy dish.

    Note: I'd also like to mention that even the most dedicated meat eater would like this dish. It's been my #1 dish for date nights (that and matar paneer).
  • WinnerMom27
    WinnerMom27 Posts: 21 Member
    All of those recipes sound wonderful.
    I think I'll try the zucchini noodles today!

    Does anybody have more suggestions, please?
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I got another one that I use when I'm super lazy. I dump a can of black beans, corn, peppers, and tomato sauce into a saucepan. I add chili powder, cumin, salt, paprika, and whatever else I feel like at the time. You can either serve it over a tortilla in a bowl and cover it with cheese or just eat it plain.
  • k8mcminn
    k8mcminn Posts: 49 Member
    I love Pinterst for finding vegeatarian recipes. The food and drink tab has tones of recipes that I scan through to see what fits the requirements. I have had made some really good things from my pins.
  • Aross83
    Aross83 Posts: 936 Member
    Yea Seriously sign up for Pinterest. i get most of my recipes from Pinterest now. so easy and you don't have to print anything.