Asking for advice

This may be long, but please read and give me advice, I was 17 years old 5'5" tall weighing 300lbs and was told I'm pre diabetic. So I decided to drop some weight, which was very easy since I wrestled and played football I dropped down to 220lbs and felt great, I got into bad habits in high school quit sports and started making terrible decisions and now I got my life back in order I'm 21 years old I have a great job and a beautiful fiancé, who is in the best shape ever and I want to be able to keep up with her and to be healthy. I'm back up to 270lbs and I tried dieting again, I dropped to 250 and back to 270 after I quit. I badly want to get back down to 200-220 lbs and I would love to get lower, but I'm just making a goal of atleast 220 lbs. I quit because I cant afford a personal trainer I need guidance. I went to the gym and I had no idea what work outs I should do on what days and what I should be eating to have a healthy balanced diet. I'm asking if someone could help me set up a weekly diet plan and weekly work out plan. I do hvac and I'm on my feet all day long and I have time to go to the gym and I have the motivation. I get extremely confused on work outs and I was told to not only run but lift. I'm also wanting to be able to eat healthy, but I cant afford to spend tons of money on meals. Any help would be much appreciated. I would exchange my contact info email/phone number to anyone who would be willing to help me make the right decisions. Thanks for any help/input.


  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    My advice is to be honest and realistic with MyFitnessPal. That means setting your activity level correctly and your loss per week realisticly.

    Once you have those in, MFP will give you a calorie goal - along with fat, carbs, sodium, protein, etc. These are numbers that you should try not to go over. Stop viewing this journey as a diet - it's not. You're changing your lifestyle. That means you need to eat food you enjoy.

    I'd get a food scale, so you're accurately logging everything you eat. Estimating is bad. Make sure you log EVERYTHING - even those three french fries and the oil you cook your eggs in.

    As far as exercise - you don't need a personal trainer, or even a gym. I'm down almost 30 pounds without either of those things. I run, I dance and I lift weights. There are so many ways to get active. Start with a treadmill - see how you like that. If you don't know how to use the equipment, ask for help.

    Don't make excuses or lie to yourself. And don't give up on yourself.

    Good luck.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I missed that you wanted specifics.

    Give me your goals, or open up your diary and I'll help as best as I can.

    I break up my calories per meal, it's what I prefer. For breakfast, I try to stay around 400 cals, for 11-4, 400 again, 700 for dinner.

    My workouts:

    M, run (I'm at a mile right now), free weights (5lb hand weights for toning my arms)
    T, latin dance
    W, run, weights
    Th, jazz dance
    F, run, weights
    S, walk (I have a FitBit and my goal is to make this my step heavy day)
    S, rest

    It's really all going to depend on what your goals are though.
  • followzyzz
    followzyzz Posts: 10
    Lifting weights is the best choice!

    Calculate your BMI here:
    Simply eat at -500 deficit and lift weights(high intensity). 45-60 seconds rest.
    Do a whole body workout. 1 exercise per body part.

    Chest - barbell bench press, Triceps - overhead triceps extension, Biceps - barbell bicep curls, Shoulders - barbell shoulder press, Back - Deadlift, Legs - Squats. Perform these exercises with light weights(aim for 15-20 repetitions). You should aim for 2-6 circuits. You can also add some low intensity cardio on your rest days.

    M: Whole body workout
    T: Rest
    W: Whole body workout
    Th: Rest
    F: Rest
    Sat: Whole body workout
    Sun: Rest