Scale Woes

Okay so as some of you know my scale was acting funny. In February it started me at 386 and over the next 4 months it slowly came down in weight. 2-5 lbs a week. Well then in 1 week my scale jumped from 331lbs to 371lbs I did nothing different in that week. It was quite upsetting. I though the scale had lost its mind so I bought a new one and guess what! It said 371 :( I understand the monthly 5-10lbs gain from hormones. But 40lbs! I think my scale has been off this whole time I think I might have started at 420lbs. What do you think? I wish I would have weighed at the gym...sigh.... But the real problem I am having it re-setting up my goals with what I think was my higher weight. I tried going into settings and moving my start weight from 386 to 420 but it is not budging. my ticker is still at 386. Do you know if there is anyway for me to fix this? Thank you in advance! Please add me as a friend if you wish :) I love friends.


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Get weighed on a doctor's scale.

    A lot of people have a lot of different advice. Most involves math, weighing things and eating up or down to a number, which works for people. It might work for you!

    I'd advise less worry about the scale numbers for now and concentrate on making changes. Start eating healthier food. The more you do it, the easier it gets. :)

    Eat only when you're truly hungry, not when you feel like eating. Stop when you're full. Not stuffed, full.

    Start doing some exercise. Go for short walks. Build to longer ones. Stretch. Try swimming. It burns calories like crazy and gives you both cardio and resistance. If you include swimming on your back, I'd be surprised if there were any muscles you didn't work. It's very easy on the joints, too! And swimming is one place where the fat doesn't hold you back too much, which is awesome. If you happen to dislike wearing a swimsuit, it gets easier, too.

    That's a LOT right there. It doesn't sound like a lot, but it is. Making dietary changes is really hard, but really smart and healthy.

    Talk to a doctor, though. See what the doctor says. The doctor will give you the best advice and it will be just for YOU. :)
  • kspenglermoore
    kspenglermoore Posts: 58 Member
    okay, first of all I feel for you!!!!.... my scale has been doing some jumping on occasion, but not like yours(up 15 lbs from one day to the next) , but mine happened in conjunction with the doc messing with my blood pressure meds aka water pills or me forgetting my meds and I do have a water retention problem......if it is battery operated, I would change them.... otherwise I would go see my doc and see if you can work out a weekly weigh in thing .... kind off as a back up plan...... another idea is to join a group like TOPS (Take of pounds sensibly), they have weekly meetings with weigh ins.......also include bi-weekly measurement to your tracking system, since you will build muscle by exercising and muscle weighs more than fat, but uses less space......

    Otherwise I would like to congratulate you on your weight loss!!!!!! Most people have no idea how hard it is for an obese person to start out and keep with it. I started at 271 lbs, have lost 47 lbs and guess what I am still obese (I will reach overweight in another 40lbs) " skinny' hubby lost his 36 lbs and is now a happy skinny looking 176 lbs on his 6' frame...... In my book you deserve all the kudos you can get!!!