I feel like im at base 1 of Mount Everest...need motivation

Hello all, Ive had the App for years but Im new to the MFP community. I am truly in need of motivation, I am a small framed person who's never had to worry about what to eat and maintained a 120 weight range. My lifestyle change has hit me hard and over the last 3 years ive put on about 35lbs.

Ive been yoyoing for the past two years but I always end up letting my routine get the best of me, I stopped eating at my hours, stopped drinking wáter and stopped excersising. The last time I tried working out again was 3 months ago.

I feel so low on energy and motivation that I come home and want nothing but tv and my bed, I look at working out after work as additional work I dont want to do. Ive reached a limit and I need to get my body moving and eating clean!

The hardest thing for me is STARTING. I feel so bloated and overweight that the first 2 weeks to me seem like torture. I always end up letting my head tell me this is all for nothing and I wont see the change for months.

Can anyone share their methods to starting a diet? I would love to hear your way of getting motivated and how to get past those first weeks of sacrifice.


  • drattedfatbody52
    Dear Dreamarbla6,

    I got myself a little notebook, in order to write about my feelings and thoughts, especially those that get in the way of my dieting. I have kept track on MFP for my food and exercise because that's easier and some folks write their thoughts in blogs and such, but I need to be able to look at what I've written and think about it so I figure out WHY I am off track.

    I set up my initial calorie plan and figured out when what I would do for exercise. I joined CHUZEFITNESS because it was nearby and within my budget. I tried exercising after work and found that messed up my sleeping, so I forced myself to wake up early in order to go exercise before work, even for 15-45 mins or so, depending on how "up and atom" I can be that day. When I tried exercising several years ago, I learned that with as little as 10 mins/day I could feel better, have more energy and lose weight. So start small if you need to do that, after the first three weeks it'll become much easier and you will have established the habit.

    Find folks who will support and encourage you. Ignore any naysayers, this is about you and your goal, not whatever they may think of it.

    You may be at base 1 at the base of Mt Everest, but at least you showed up to make the climb. The longest journey starts with a single step. Do what you can do each day as well as you are able and pretty soon you'll find yourself making progress and that success will help to continue to fuel further success as with any task that you may set yourself.

    Your photo shows a pretty young woman with a tentative expression on her face. I wish that I could be your age and making this good choice for myself instead of the several decades older that I let time go by and weight pack on. Most people don't learn from other's experiences, they only learn from their own mistakes. You are here, you can start today and if that isn't possible, you can start tomorrow. Then you can continue each and every day, day by day and you will eventually reach your goal.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Echo this. I was that 35 pounds over when I was 27, now it is 45, but it would be much more if I didn't stop to look up at the mountain. Best small change: make sure you eat at least five serviings of vegetables a day, spread out throughout the day. Don't give up anything, just add healthy stuff. After a few weeks you will crave it.

    When my brain is tired after work, TV chair is a magnet! Sometimes I tell myself I can only watch it standing up or doing squats etc.

    You know how some people say that even when you don't feel like smiling, if you do it can make you feel happier for a moment? Exercise is kindof the same. I hate starting it but I always like it after I do. "Sweat is fat crying." keep at it.