Time Change Affects

I really do not like the time change. It affects the way I feel when I leave work and have to work out. I work 6am-6pm. I guess it makes me feel like it is too late to get started or something. I like to run outside and it is already dark. It also seems i have to push myself harder to get through the workout. It is kind of interesting, I also find myself kind of rushing to get through the workout due to the darkness. I find myself thinking? I have to eat and get to bed. I am just curious as to how others might feel during this time of the year if you are affected by the time change? In short


  • hozik
    hozik Posts: 369 Member
    Yes, my body doesn't like change, either. I feel like hibernating-eating more and exercising less in response to the darkness. I wonder how others handle the winter blahs?
    Good luck
  • xDeannaGarciax
    Your not the only one. Only my problem is with cooking dinner, I start cooking dinner at like 4 because my internal clock is telling me it's 5, even though I physically see the time on the clock, it just doen't feel right. So rather then dinner being ready at 6 or 6:30 I now have it ready at 5 or 5:30 and everyone is hungry again by the time it's bedtime.

    I do however like the fact that I fall asleep at 9 and wake up at 6 now though, lol. rather then 10 and 7!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I dont like it either. I was walking after dinner several nights a week with the kids, sometimes my hubby would come along too. I dont like to walk in the dark,. So I am getting in my walking earlier while they are at school. Which is fine but I enjoyed walking with them and it was good for them also instead of eating dinner and wanting to sit infront of the tv....
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    Oh yeah! I leave for work in the morning just as the sun is rising, and get home after dark. No fun! In the summer, I started walking after dark because is was too hot when the sun was out, but now it's to cold in the dark! I've started bringing my exercise inside. Unless it's nice out.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I hate it dark in the evenings just because I don't seem to be able to get anything productive done after work. In the summer we do yard work or play outside. At least I don't commute any more, but leaving work in the pitch dark was always a bummer at only 6pm. That and I always stopped at the barn to feed my horse and I hated doing it in the dark.

    I do like though that when I get up it's not dark. It was hard to drag myself to the gym in the dark. Much easier when the sun is coming up!

    Other than that, I have never had a hard time actually adjusting to the time change. Lots of people complain that their kids are up at 5 this week, but we've never had an issue. My 3 yr old sleeps in just fine still and always has.