Trying to Get Started

erielle165 Posts: 5 Member
Hi for starters,
Okay so I have started up MFP and have been consistent for 10 days now. I am 5'4 and 155lbs, I use to weigh 115 but last year do to stress and medication I went up to 155. So I have been eating 1320 calories a day and walking everyday burning at least 400 calories a day, 600 on a good day. My diet currently is okay but could be better since I eat out when I don't have the energy to cook. I wonder if this is okay or if I need to do more because; I am currently sedentary with still being in school but I go to school online and only get out and walk around my apartment complex. I'm currently trying to start jogging, using an app that helps, and seeing if maybe that helps. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions? Anything would help since I am trying to get down to my goal weight of 120lbs.


  • georgiagreeneyes
    georgiagreeneyes Posts: 69 Member
    Howdy! It sounds like you're off to a great start so good for you! I am trying to lose 40-45 lbs. that I gained from being bedridden for several months after suffering several injuries in a car accident. I'm also on medications that have that unfortunate side effect of causing weight gain... it's so frustrating right?!

    In the past I had great success doing Tabatas or high intensity interval training, pinterest is full of ideas ( These are great to do if you're an online student and need to take a break from studying. After an hour of studying, try doing some bodyweight squats, mountain climbers, pushups, or tricep dips--- mix it up. These exercises will help build your muscle mass, which will allow you to burn more calories at rest. Keep up the hard work, feel free to add me!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Open your diary and eat more.