Sleep vs. Exercise



  • I go to bed shortly after the baby does. My older girls are 14 & 12 and have gotten used to Mom going to sleep between 8-830. I then get up from 330-400 and do my excersice. I enjoy the quiet to do my thing. However, if I didn't have to work I would probably have a later schedule.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    I get up and run at 4:30 two days a week. I will tell you... It is freaking HARD. I hate it the first five minutes. I started getting all my stuff together the night before and going to bed about 30 minutes early. When the alarm goes off, I allow myself to be a total zombie and just go through the motions of putting on the running clothes and going outside. By the time I'm about three or four minutes in I'm up and feel fine. Ususally, those are my best days. There's something kind of cool about having run three miles before most people even get up. :)
  • sheenabe
    sheenabe Posts: 61 Member
    I go to bed at 9:30 10:00 and get up at 5am. I find that if I don't workout within about a half an hour after getting up I am already making excuses to not do it. No one else is up with me, the dishes can wait, the laundry can too. Getting up at 5 am is about me!! This is the only time during the day that I can concentrate on me and making me better. You have got to find what works for you though.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I've always been a morning person. I get up at 5am & go to bed by 10pm. As long as I'm eating healthy & exercising... 7 hours a night is good for me.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 710 Member
    Just out of curiosity, for those that get up before the sunrise to run, is this on a treadmill or outside in the dark? If it is outside, does it make you nervous to run in the dark. I have always been to apprehensive to run in the dark but due to scheduling changes might have to.
  • kiuney
    kiuney Posts: 68
    I too am a morning exerciser. I do function pretty well in the morning (although let it be known that I'd much prefer to sit with a cup of chai and read my email) so I generally get up, get dressed and start working out. I almost always get up and put workout clothes on. Two days a week I have to leave the house by 8:15 so I am usually up by 5:30 in order to get in my hour workout, shower and eat breakfast. I do go to bed fairly early though - between 9 and 9:30. I prefer to get it done and over with because then the rest of my day belongs to me and I don't have to worry about fitting it in.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • Hi, although everyone is different, the general advice is no fewer than 6hrs & no more than 8hrs
  • chatal36
    chatal36 Posts: 167 Member
    Love this idea ! Just zomie out the door who cares what you look true just get out there and the ya feel great. And the acomplishment of having run however many miles before most people even start there day would make me feel great ! I think you may have just inspired me !
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