women don't bulk! what's the point of strength training ?

menojy Posts: 92 Member
I have some loose skin (skin and fat) around my arms and inner thighs although I've lifted since the very first beginning .. anyhow I thought may be I should lift heavier to make my muscles grow a little so they attach to the loose skin but I found out that women never get bigger muscles so I would never get my skin to attach to muscles again !? what's the point of training then ..


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I have some loose skin (skin and fat) around my arms and inner thighs although I've lifted since the very first beginning .. anyhow I thought may be I should lift heavier to make my muscles grow a little so they attach to the loose skin but I found out that women never get bigger muscles so I would never get my skin to attach to muscles again !? what's the point of training then ..

    You "bulk" by eating in a calorie surplus and engaging in a progressive training schedule that has sufficient volume.

    If you lift and remain in a calorie deficit, you'll never put anything on no matter how you train.

    It is totally possible for women to bulk (although it is slower than men for hormonal reasons). Right nutrition + right training + consistency + patience = success.

    ETA: you're still cutting and you've got a way to go. Don't worry about bulking. You're lifting to retain your existing musculature whilst using fat stores. Keep lifting progressively heavier. Keep your protein level high. Keep hydration, sleep and stress under control. Be patient. These things take time. Make sure your training schedule is effective for your goals. Make sure you nutrition supports and is adequate for your goals. Did I say be patient? Good luck!
  • Millions of women have been deprived of what I believe to be the most empowering method of training for improving the body. All because of the myth that lifting heavy weights will cause you to develop a bulky-looking body. The myth never seems to die, and the question never stops being asked: will women get bulked-up if they lift heavy weights? For more than 25 years women have asked me this question, and my answer has always remained the same: you’re much more likely to get bulky (read fat) if you don’t lift weights.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!
  • menojy
    menojy Posts: 92 Member

    You "bulk" by eating in a calorie surplus and engaging in a progressive training schedule that has sufficient volume.

    If you lift and remain in a calorie deficit, you'll never put anything on no matter how you train.

    It is totally possible for women to bulk (although it is slower than men for hormonal reasons). Right nutrition + right training + consistency + patience = success.

    ETA: you're still cutting and you've got a way to go. Don't worry about bulking. You're lifting to retain your existing musculature whilst using fat stores. Keep lifting progressively heavier. Keep your protein level high. Keep hydration, sleep and stress under control. Be patient. These things take time. Make sure your training schedule is effective for your goals. Make sure you nutrition supports and is adequate for your goals. Did I say be patient? Good luck!

    Thanks a lot but how can I lose weight with higher calorie intake ?
    Is it okay to go over 1200 calories ? won't I gain weight as well ..
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!

    Suspect it's more of a sloppy cut and paste.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!

    Suspect it's more of a sloppy cut and paste.

    Lol! I was wondering if she was the Golden Child....
  • aubyshortcake
    aubyshortcake Posts: 796 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!

  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Thanks a lot but how can I lose weight with higher calorie intake ?
    Is it okay to go over 1200 calories ? won't I gain weight as well ..

    Bulking means adding new muscle mass to your pre-existent mass, so yes, you need to gain weight if you want to gain muscle (since muscle tissue has its own weight).
    If you want to build muscle AND lose fat you can do bulk/cut cycles.
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!


    Hey she's also a model for Black hairstyles! What a coincidence!

  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member

    You "bulk" by eating in a calorie surplus and engaging in a progressive training schedule that has sufficient volume.

    If you lift and remain in a calorie deficit, you'll never put anything on no matter how you train.

    It is totally possible for women to bulk (although it is slower than men for hormonal reasons). Right nutrition + right training + consistency + patience = success.

    ETA: you're still cutting and you've got a way to go. Don't worry about bulking. You're lifting to retain your existing musculature whilst using fat stores. Keep lifting progressively heavier. Keep your protein level high. Keep hydration, sleep and stress under control. Be patient. These things take time. Make sure your training schedule is effective for your goals. Make sure you nutrition supports and is adequate for your goals. Did I say be patient? Good luck!

    Thanks a lot but how can I lose weight with higher calorie intake ?
    Is it okay to go over 1200 calories ? won't I gain weight as well ..

    There's nothing magical about 1200 cals. You need to figure out your TDEE. Then eat under that alongside progressive lifting with adequate protein.

    I suspect you need to give us more information about your height, weight, your exact training routine and what timeframe your expect to get to point X by. (Whatever your point X is)

    Goals are fine (and totally necessary) but you need to understand what actions will help you properly achieve your goals and make sure your expectations are realistic. Then it takes consistency, hardwork and patience.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I found out that women never get bigger muscles so I would never get my skin to attach to muscles again !?

    the what now!?

    :noway: :huh:
  • db34fit69
    db34fit69 Posts: 189 Member
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Lifting weights has other benefits besides "bulking", yes aesthetically you will look nicer, but it also increases your metabolism and strengthens your bones, which helps prevent osteoporosis when you're older. And yes you should be eating more than 1,200 calories. Check out Scooby Workshop to see how many calories you should eat based on your goals - http://scoobysworkshop.com/accurate-calorie-calculator/
  • Strength training is good for overall stamina- and to PREVENT problems later on,
    especially if your job is a physical one with the same motions-
    Some muscles get OVERused and others UNDERused.

    After the initial assessment, my trainer told me that while my biceps are strong, my triceps and shoulder muscles are NOT
    same is true of my legs- the frontal powerful, UNDERdeveloped hamstrings.
    This is due to the physical work I do day to day...
    It is IMPERATIVE for these muscles groups to be uniform and work together.

    It's been 3 weeks and I'm already seeing progress in my stamina at work.
    Getting rid of the bat wings and being toned is just an added bonus.
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I won't lie. I love the idea of bulking but I am terrified of eating too much.
    after festival season I intend getting a grip and trying it.
    Any advice is welcome
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I won't lie. I love the idea of bulking but I am terrified of eating too much.
    after festival season I intend getting a grip and trying it.
    Any advice is welcome

    Gotta get your mind right.

    It's a mental game. Once you've nailed the training schedule and eating enough, you've got to hang on in there and tough it out with the inevitable fat gain while you build some muscle.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I won't lie. I love the idea of bulking but I am terrified of eating too much.
    after festival season I intend getting a grip and trying it.
    Any advice is welcome

    I bulked. It was great for my physique. From experience, I wouldn't recommend a woman bulk until body fat is 20% or below.

    With respect to putting on a little muscle while eating at a deficit, it is possible if there is enough body fat to allow it. Eating 1200 calories won't cut it, though. The deficit should be slight to allow a body recomposition to happen. OP, that could work for you for a while. It's slow, but doable.
  • Flippolo
    Flippolo Posts: 15 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!


    Hey she's also a model for Black hairstyles! What a coincidence!


    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I have some loose skin (skin and fat) around my arms and inner thighs although I've lifted since the very first beginning .. anyhow I thought may be I should lift heavier to make my muscles grow a little so they attach to the loose skin but I found out that women never get bigger muscles so I would never get my skin to attach to muscles again !? what's the point of training then ..

    Simple common sense: If what you found out was actually the truth, why would some women have larger muscles than other?
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    For more than 25 years women have asked me this question

    Not doubting the fact that you want to help, but you're only 35 years old. People have been coming to you with training and nutrition advice since you were 10?!

    Suspect it's more of a sloppy cut and paste.

    Lol! I was wondering if she was the Golden Child....

    Cut and paste from here (I just clipped the first sentence and stuck it in Google)