jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
I'm stuck at 166.
And I'm starting to get that feeling.
you know that feeling, or should I say voice inside your head that says...
maybe my body just likes this weight.
I guess I'm good at this weight, I did already lose 25+ pounds.
I don't see myself losing anymore. I've been this weight for a month now.
I just can't seem to get anymore weight off, this is impossible.
I'm losing it!!!!


  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm stuck at 166.
    And I'm starting to get that feeling.
    you know that feeling, or should I say voice inside your head that says...
    maybe my body just likes this weight.
    I guess I'm good at this weight, I did already lose 25+ pounds.
    I don't see myself losing anymore. I've been this weight for a month now.
    I just can't seem to get anymore weight off, this is impossible.
    I'm losing it!!!!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    I am thinking platue.... tweak your calories or the amount of exercise. Something to jump start your loss again. :smile:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    j, lets examine.
    -what are you doing right now for exercise?
    -what deficit are you at.
    -What is your BMI, body fat %
    -have you changed up your routine in a while?
    -If you are at a high deficit (over 1 lb a week) have you tried lowering it.
    -how long are we talking about being "stuck"? I mean 2 or 3 weeks insn't necessarilly stuck, it's
    possibly just your body adjusting to new conditions.

    go through all of these and we can narrow down your possible problems. :happy:
  • sahonya
    sahonya Posts: 4 Member
    I agree! It is definitely a plateau. A good work out routine would really help you overcome that hurdle. I did weight watchers a few years back and after losing 20 pounds I hit that point. I sympathize with you! That is a helpless feeling but you can overcome it. There is hope!!!
    I started exercising more routinely and it worked. I lost another 15 pounds!!!!!!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I have gotten to that situation but then again I am only 10 lbs away from my original goal weight (then I was going to see from there how many more I would like to loose)
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Weight 03/15/08 194 (well, started on Jan. 2 on another site at 194, this is when I started mfp 174)
    Weight 03/16/08 174
    Weight 03/24/08 170
    Weight 03/30/08 170
    Weight 04/05/08 170
    Weight 04/07/08 169
    Weight 04/22/08 169
    Weight 04/28/08 166
    Weight 05/01/08 165
    Weight 05/12/08 166

    I actually did a trial week at the gym last week to try and jump start something with different cardio exercises and weights and I guess that didn't work.

    I think my bmi is 37?

    walking, DDR, video tapes, floor exercises.

    I have been a little bad with the food (i.e. 10 year wedding ann'y last week dinner and brunch (though I was pretty good, went out with girlfriends on Fri. night again I wasn't that bad, and had my monthly visiter:devil: ) other than that I'm still pretty good with the food.

    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    okay, me again.
    I just went to do my DDR and truthfully now acknowledged that I hadn't done it in quite awhile. And that is what I was doing religiously MWF at the beginning. I think it started to bore me in march/april, so I started doing other tapes, turbo jam, walking on tape (when weather was yucky) and when it got nicer, I went for a couple of walks. Now facing myself, I don't think I was doing enough cardio.
    So, I'm going back to MWF doing DDR. b/c I think that was what really helped. BUT, I also think that I started to plateau and thought maybe the ddr wasn't doing as much as I needed. so I think that that partially was why I slowed down on that.
    Oh, I don't know.
    I'm going to see what DDR on MWF does, maybe it'll start up again (or should I say down) (weight that is)
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member

    I love that you typed it...thought about it...then smacked yourself and realized!!! YOU GO GIRL!

    Your chart of weight loss looks like you are still loosing to me! At least it isn't saying 166, 167, 168...and going up up up up up!

    I bet you will have a great loss coming soon now that you are back on track! Good luck this next week!
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    I'm sorry, I am new here, what is DDR? Maybe it's Monday and I am just s-l-o-w...:smile:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    I'm sorry, I am new here, what is DDR? Maybe it's Monday and I am just s-l-o-w...:smile:

    Dance Dance Revolution on Playstation 2!
    I boogie for my cardio!
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    First of all 25lbs is a lot of work and don't ever forget that.

    That being said, I say just stick with what your doing maybe try something new in the cardio dept. We are now approching the warmer months with more sunshine (except here in IL) and you will be more active and less hungry.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    thanks fatsis, 25 pounds is a lot.
    I am one of those people that like immediate gratification!, but I know that it took years to put it on, it's not gonna take a week to get it off!
    I tried doing something different, but I think I'll go back to what I was doing.
    I pulled my bike out of the shed, so when this cold weather goes away, maybe I'll put some miles on that and see if that helps too!
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    thanks fatsis, 25 pounds is a lot.
    I am one of those people that like immediate gratification!, but I know that it took years to put it on, it's not gonna take a week to get it off!
    I tried doing something different, but I think I'll go back to what I was doing.
    I pulled my bike out of the shed, so when this cold weather goes away, maybe I'll put some miles on that and see if that helps too!

    it sounds like you are doing enough cardio to get it done. I have no idea what you are doing for net calories, but you have the right idea, remember, it's a long term battle, weeks are meaningless in this fight, you would do better to be thinking in terms of months. I have gone 3 weeks straight without a single pound lost, then all of the sudden I'll lose 3 or 4 lbs. Sometimes the body has to take a few weeks and adjust it's chemistry to your new routine, that means it won't be focusing on burning, it will be literally experimenting with chemical levels in the body, when it finds the right doses, you will start losing again.

    I would remind people that it's easier to maintain a steady weight loss if you don't push the calorie deficit too far. Again J. I don't know your deficit, but if it's aggressive, you might want to shrink it down a little and see if you start losing again. The body really HATES having a deficit, and sometimes you have to bribe it with more food to get it to start going in the direction you want. :laugh:
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    thanks fatsis, 25 pounds is a lot.
    I am one of those people that like immediate gratification!, but I know that it took years to put it on, it's not gonna take a week to get it off!
    I tried doing something different, but I think I'll go back to what I was doing.
    I pulled my bike out of the shed, so when this cold weather goes away, maybe I'll put some miles on that and see if that helps too!

    I am with you. I cannot wait to get my bike out. I actually have a hitchhiker for my youngest girl to ride along. I am pulling an extra 40lbs along for more exercise. I will download the pic of us riding and put on my profile sometime. :glasses:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    thanks fatsis, 25 pounds is a lot.
    I am one of those people that like immediate gratification!, but I know that it took years to put it on, it's not gonna take a week to get it off!
    I tried doing something different, but I think I'll go back to what I was doing.
    I pulled my bike out of the shed, so when this cold weather goes away, maybe I'll put some miles on that and see if that helps too!

    it sounds like you are doing enough cardio to get it done. I have no idea what you are doing for net calories, but you have the right idea, remember, it's a long term battle, weeks are meaningless in this fight, you would do better to be thinking in terms of months. I have gone 3 weeks straight without a single pound lost, then all of the sudden I'll lose 3 or 4 lbs. Sometimes the body has to take a few weeks and adjust it's chemistry to your new routine, that means it won't be focusing on burning, it will be literally experimenting with chemical levels in the body, when it finds the right doses, you will start losing again.

    I would remind people that it's easier to maintain a steady weight loss if you don't push the calorie deficit too far. Again J. I don't know your deficit, but if it's aggressive, you might want to shrink it down a little and see if you start losing again. The body really HATES having a deficit, and sometimes you have to bribe it with more food to get it to start going in the direction you want. :laugh:

    Calories Burned
    From Normal Daily Activity 1,940 calories/day
    Net Calories Consumed*
    Your Daily Goal 1,200 calories/day
    Daily Calorie Deficit 740 calories
    Projected Weight Loss 1.5 lbs/week

    this doesn't seem to be working?
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