Tracking when eating out


I have three nights this week where I will be eating out with very little control of what I'm choosing to eat. How do you deal with tracking calories on such occasions? It's one thing if eating at Pizza Express or other restaurants where all the information is on the website, but two of them will be catered work events, and one at the tennis club with one of the other members catering. Any tips? Is it better to try to track it, even if it is very inaccurate, or is there no point? Should I aim not to eat back my exercise calories on other days on basis that I'll probably be overshooting on the days when I'm eating out?



  • MagicalGiraffe
    MagicalGiraffe Posts: 102 Member
    I have an app on my phone called Carbs & Cals, it gives food portions on plate sizes so you can make a slightly more accurate eye guess on your food. You can add multiple foods to a meal and then get the total amount for that meal without having to add them all up separately. It's of course not going to be 100% accurate and you will have to use generic food items if you use it, but I find the visual portions work else I'd be on complete guess work!
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Also always choose a grilled option instead of fried. Always choose steamed veggies instead of french fries. If you can't accurately log something then just choose the healthiest most low-cal options they have and just eat some of it.
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    If you work out in the evenings, maybe try getting up an hour earlier and working out in the morning. If it's an option, fill up with mostly vegetables and if it's available and you need something sweet, fill up your plate with fruit. Take small portions so you can still enjoy but don't go overboard.

    What I have started doing when I don't have actual calorie amounts is to search the database for the food item (as close as I can get) and put in the highest calorie option that comes up and estimate what serving size I've eaten. That way I'm still logging something and even if it's not 100% accurate it's still reflected in my diary.

    Or you can just enjoy yourself, eat small portions and workout each of those days to offset whatever you're going to be eating.