Looking for friends with that last bit of weight to lose

I started back at the end of January just above the bottom of the obese range for my height. Five months later (exactly) I am in the healthy range. I am in the home stretch with less than 15lbs to go and am getting very excited. My confidence is sky high as is my energy level. I have taken up running and it just keeps getting easier as the pounds fall off.

I'm 30 and have never really tried to lose weight before. It just slowly crept up on me as the years went by. Now that I am back in the 140's (which I haven't been in over 15 years) I don't ever see myself becoming overweight again. I have become addicted to the high I get after exercising and I love the feeling after having a good healthy meal.

With all of that said, I am looking for some friends with that last 10-15 lbs to lose. Its gonna be a struggle for all of us but with a little bit of motivation we can do it! Feel free to add me :)
