Seriously need to put the snacks down!

Hello MFP!
I am joining to get myself back on track after days, months, and years of bad eating! I LOVE food!! After realizing that my jeans are tighter, my energy is sluggish and I am now popping a snack into my mouth numerous times a day, I really need to get on track and start eating healthier!
Little bit of info- I am a wife, mother of three (7,5,3) I work full time at a children's Hospital, and attend college classes semi full time; semi part time..I am exausted most days!
I have tried MFP in the past and did really well for a bit until life took control and my health took a back seat. I am finding my "snack drawer" at work is pretty full of chocolate and chips- both of which until about a year ago I rarely ever ate. My drinks consist of crystal light or tea so they are not too bad but definitly need to drink more water. I absolutely hate to excercise (on purpose) but I am working my way up to the idea that I need to do SOMETHING, maybe a video or walk around the block! The dirty 30's are here and turning 32 in a few months has me really thinking about my health and long term changes that will keep me here longer for my children. I am just looking for like minded people to keep things interesting and for a little motivation or support-I would love to meet people that have switched from all the junk and fried food to the more healthy, clean eating.. This is a transistion I am really looking forward to in our home!! Tips and suggestions are MUCH appreciated!