Weight lifting-denied!



  • gotolam
    gotolam Posts: 262 Member
    You all are having the same experience your first time out with a trainer because no trainer is going to throw you on a bench without first knowing anything about you.

    How are you going to teach someone how to bench press if you haven't assessed their ability to lift at least 45 lbs? Of course their first time out with you is going to be a "take it slow assessment ."

    I'm not saying your trainer didn't suck...there are plenty that do. I'm just saying you have to understand where they're coming from. Can you imagine the liability of pushing someone without knowing anything about them? Did you really expect that your introductory (complimentary) session was going to be with an OLY bar across your back?
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    I have a 30 minute session with the same guy next Monday. I am going to speak up and tell him that I am going to weight lift and if he does not want to show me proper form and the like, that is fine and he will not be getting my money, plain and simple. I am hoping he will start to show me and I will pay for a few sessions until I feel comfortable on my own. Thanks for the reply everyone.

    Do you really want to take a chance with him? If he didn't see the value in weights do you think he has enough knowledge to help your form? Especially low bar squats if you choose them, that is probably a foreign concept to him.

    Videos and books along with a cell phone camera might be a wiser choice.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Do you have only one trainer to choose from in a 20 mile radius?

    If not, I'd get a second opinion.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    Try next time asking specifically for a trainer that will teach you free weight lifting. I get referred to all the time for free weight lifting when a member want to maybe do just a couple of sessions to learn the ropes.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You all are having the same experience your first time out with a trainer because no trainer is going to throw you on a bench without first knowing anything about you.

    How are you going to teach someone how to bench press if you haven't assessed their ability to lift at least 45 lbs? Of course their first time out with you is going to be a "take it slow assessment ."

    I'm not saying your trainer didn't suck...there are plenty that do. I'm just saying you have to understand where they're coming from. Can you imagine the liability of pushing someone without knowing anything about them? Did you really expect that your introductory (complimentary) session was going to be with an OLY bar across your back?

    My trainer would have read Strong Lifts and had me doing squats with TRX and body weight to assess my squat form, then would have given me an EZbar and tried me with that. Then she would have told me exactly what she noticed and either added weight or given me remedial exercises.

    However, she is an actual trainer.
  • shor0814
    shor0814 Posts: 559 Member
    You all are having the same experience your first time out with a trainer because no trainer is going to throw you on a bench without first knowing anything about you.

    How are you going to teach someone how to bench press if you haven't assessed their ability to lift at least 45 lbs? Of course their first time out with you is going to be a "take it slow assessment ."

    I'm not saying your trainer didn't suck...there are plenty that do. I'm just saying you have to understand where they're coming from. Can you imagine the liability of pushing someone without knowing anything about them? Did you really expect that your introductory (complimentary) session was going to be with an OLY bar across your back?

    Then a good trainer would put them on a machine and test their ability instead of creating a circuit program.

    Good gyms have lighter bars as well.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I have a 30 minute session with the same guy next Monday. I am going to speak up and tell him that I am going to weight lift and if he does not want to show me proper form and the like, that is fine and he will not be getting my money, plain and simple. I am hoping he will start to show me and I will pay for a few sessions until I feel comfortable on my own. Thanks for the reply everyone.

    THIS! As a paying customer, it is your right to INSIST on getting what you are paying for. If the trainer is unwilling or unable to perform the services (giggity) you require, politely but PROMPTLY fire him and seek to spend your money elsewhere.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Bring a list of stronglift workouts with you. Tell your trainer that you want to learn these specific moves. If he doesn't help you with what you want, tell him you want to switch to a trainer who will or a refund. Don't let any of them waste your time or money.
    How are you going to teach someone how to bench press if you haven't assessed their ability to lift at least 45 lbs?

    Well, first you start with a bar without weight ...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    For what it's worth, and as the husband of an ACE certified personal trainer, starting out on machines is actually a good thing. A machine is specifically made to force you to use the correct form for weight training. Free weights, you can very easily use improper form, not get the desired results you want, and most importantly, before you know it, you can hurt yourself. Yes, I know from experience. It took about 8 weeks for my shoulder to heal after I knew best and used free weights and hurt myself. Think about it, two gyms, two trainers both told you not to do free weights yet. Having somebody do exercises they aren't ready to do, holding proper form they aren't ready to hold, is irresponsible. If a trainer has you do free weights out of the gate, you need a different trainer. Yeah, I know, not what you wanted to hear or do, but it's the truth. Maybe the trainer didn't explain it well to you, or you just didn't want to hear it. Tony
    Have to disagree here. One can be taught correct form from the start of any free weight session. It's just going to be the amount of resistance used. I do use machines with all my clients, but they are usually going to be the leg extensions, leg curl, pull down and cable row machines (and even then I'll move them to bent over rows pretty quick). The rest of the body parts can be taught with free weights, just making sure the resistance isn't too much to complete reps with good form.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I have a 30 minute session with the same guy next Monday. I am going to speak up and tell him that I am going to weight lift and if he does not want to show me proper form and the like, that is fine and he will not be getting my money, plain and simple. I am hoping he will start to show me and I will pay for a few sessions until I feel comfortable on my own. Thanks for the reply everyone.

    i would talk to him, and/or gym management way ahead of time, instead of at the start of the session.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Get someone to teach you proper form. I got the form down and now lift in my basement which is very convenient.
  • Zoe_lifts
    Zoe_lifts Posts: 120 Member
    right !? what's up with that indeed..
    I had to ask 3x in my gym and i had an appointment for their 'basic' program (they call it something like weight loss +)
    today i had the appointment and they showed me the paper with exercises.. Machines machines and machines and one 4kg dumbell.. ugh.
    I told them about the stronglifts 5x5 and luckily my trainer was nice enough to explain it to me!
    I don't get why they only try to sell me their program.. Well they're not even selling it because it's free of charge!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    right !? what's up with that indeed..
    I had to ask 3x in my gym and i had an appointment for their 'basic' program (they call it something like weight loss +)
    today i had the appointment and they showed me the paper with exercises.. Machines machines and machines and one 4kg dumbell.. ugh.
    I told them about the stronglifts 5x5 and luckily my trainer was nice enough to explain it to me!
    I don't get why they only try to sell me their program.. Well they're not even selling it because it's free of charge!

    It's designed to make you a good customer.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    My advice would be to go up and tell the guy straight, you're starting this program...you want some help with technique on the main lifts and would appreciate his input but you're not going to back down on the program you're doing. If he helps you with what you want, he gains a client. If he doesn't, he loses out. A good trainer should always listen to what the clients needs are and help them achieve what they set out to do, not push other things onto you.

    If he can't help with your goals, move your business elsewhere :)
  • tcxyz2011
    tcxyz2011 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you for the replies everyone. Today was just the initial assessment and he wanted me to sign up for some personal training time but I was back and forth so he offered a free full 30 minute session next week to see how I like personal training and if I like it, I can sign up for some time. I am going to ask him to teach proper form with stronglifts, if he declines I will just walk into the weight room and start teaching myself. My gym is a local fitness center, it's locally owned and they do have multiple traininers at the fitness center so I can always ask the manager for someone who will help me.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Thank you for the replies everyone. Today was just the initial assessment and he wanted me to sign up for some personal training time but I was back and forth so he offered a free full 30 minute session next week to see how I like personal training and if I like it, I can sign up for some time. I am going to ask him to teach proper form with stronglifts, if he declines I will just walk into the weight room and start teaching myself. My gym is a local fitness center, it's locally owned and they do have multiple traininers at the fitness center so I can always ask the manager for someone who will help me.

    Hi there!
    Here is what I do in a new gym.... I walk into the weight room when it's really busy, and ask some of the really strong guys (politely, and NOT IN THE MIDDLE OF THEIR SET!!!!) who they would trust to teach well. You can be sure, they already know what they are doing, with the physique to prove it, and they don't depend on some sales talk of a manager, and they are more likely to give you an honest opinion about the qualifications of those so-called CPTs.... Who knows, you might end up getting a whole lot of support from other, more experienced gym members...

    Good luck and train safe!
  • Lol. I read that and thought the exact same thing. "No". Great clip!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Run from any trainer who sticks you on a machine....especially if you express interest in free weights. That's why I don't use them myself. Waste of time and money.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    right !? what's up with that indeed..
    I had to ask 3x in my gym and i had an appointment for their 'basic' program (they call it something like weight loss +)
    today i had the appointment and they showed me the paper with exercises.. Machines machines and machines and one 4kg dumbell.. ugh.
    I told them about the stronglifts 5x5 and luckily my trainer was nice enough to explain it to me!
    I don't get why they only try to sell me their program.. Well they're not even selling it because it's free of charge!

    It's designed to make you a good customer.

    ding ding ding ding
    June 30, 2014 4:44 PM

    Run from any trainer who sticks you on a machine....especially if you express interest in free weights. That's why I don't use them myself. Waste of time and money

    I would run from a trainer who doesn't listen and clearly has no clue what they are doing. that does not mean they aer ALL a waste of time and money- some people really actually do need help.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    right !? what's up with that indeed..
    I had to ask 3x in my gym and i had an appointment for their 'basic' program (they call it something like weight loss +)
    today i had the appointment and they showed me the paper with exercises.. Machines machines and machines and one 4kg dumbell.. ugh.
    I told them about the stronglifts 5x5 and luckily my trainer was nice enough to explain it to me!
    I don't get why they only try to sell me their program.. Well they're not even selling it because it's free of charge!

    It's designed to make you a good customer.

    ding ding ding ding
    June 30, 2014 4:44 PM

    Run from any trainer who sticks you on a machine....especially if you express interest in free weights. That's why I don't use them myself. Waste of time and money

    I would run from a trainer who doesn't listen and clearly has no clue what they are doing. that does not mean they aer ALL a waste of time and money- some people really actually do need help.

    My trainer is awesome. She doesn't do my programming. She gives me stretches and drills to help with the biomechanical underpinnings of my programming. Cheap at twice the price