new years challenge



  • wuwr
    wuwr Posts: 7
    I had a setback last week, so my progress has slowed - but I'm keeping control. I'm on target to reach my goal, and have started exercising in the morning before I go to work which does wonders for my energy levels!
  • shawnalmil
    how was everyones thanksgiving.? mine was awesome and i did better than i thought i would. i had only 1 serving of everthing...... non dessert realated i only had 1 piece of peach pie an dthen later piece of cake.....
    im going to weigh in on monday so i hope evrything goes good for me....
  • shawnalmil
    Hello is it too late to join?
    nope! welcome! what are some goal?
  • shawnalmil
    I had a setback last week, so my progress has slowed - but I'm keeping control. I'm on target to reach my goal, and have started exercising in the morning before I go to work which does wonders for my energy levels!
    i need to get on track. i havent been tracking what i have been eating and idrank about 5 pops yesterday.........:( i need to get my booty up and work out and get moving also!
    we can do this! i weighed last week but it didnt go anywhere so i want to just not post until jan 1st :)
  • shawnalmil
    Weighed in this morning as the same weight as last week. I am far from disappointed! Its been a bad week as far as food goes so I am thrilled I haven't gained! Trying to see the silver lining as much as possible lol. I really am proud for maintaining and not back sliding though. How is everyone else doing?
    hey where did you get that animation of the weight? i would like to get one
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    hey where did you get that animation of the weight? i would like to get one
    I went to and fudged something together. My computer skills are not awesome.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    i want to be in a challenge so bad but i always seem to come in the middle or the end of the challenge. so i thought i would start one for new years we have 7 weeks and 1 day until new years. i made a new years resolution this year to lose weight yet im still the same. i need some motivation and need to get into gear and i want to have something to show for my promise to myself. FOR ONCE!

    My name is Shawna im 22 and im the stay at home mother to 5 kids ( check out my profile for more info on this if it matters) they are 7 6 5 5 and 16 mnths.

    my problem is portion control and having the drive to get my bottom up to my local curves place. which i pay $40 a mnth for.
    i have been there for 3 mnths and have only lost 1 inch but thats because of me. im just to lazy to get up there.

    any way state you current weight
    your goal weight
    and then your mini goal weight for jan 1st 2011
    and something about yourself

    i flex between 240 and 234. so who knows tomarrow ill be 240 tomarrow.
    basicly today

    my starting weight is 234.6
    my over all go is 120
    and my mini jan 1 -11 goal is 220

    also idk if my personal goals are too far out there... but i do know that i should lose more at 1st. and my friend lost 25 lbs in 2 mnths doing curves .

    Hello, I'm Strong Heart - - I'll give it a try...

    * current weight = 411
    * goal weight = 190
    * mini goal weight for jan 1st 2011 = 400
    * something about me ( see my profile page).
  • Happy__Feet
    I'm in - there is still enough time to make a dent in my numbers before Jan 1. :smile:
    SW: 285
    CW: 280
    Jan 1st Goal: 269
    GW: 130
    Good luck everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • shawnalmil
    hi new ppl! welcome! just set your goals to what you can lose in what 5 week? L;OL good luck everyone...... i need to get my booty moving i weighted today and i havent lost since 2 weeks ago when i weighted in
  • Firesign
    Firesign Posts: 169 Member
    I'm starting late....But I'm in!! :wink: I Have 12.6 lbs to get to my goal weight Let's see if I can do it by News Year Day. Gonna take alot of PUSH AND WILL POWER... LORD BE WITH ME!! :tongue:

    CW: 147.6
    GW: 135
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Just an update to mine-I have five more pounds to lose to reach the goal....and I think I can do it! I would be so excited! But, anyway-three weeks on the plan and six pounds lost. I am excited that this is working out so well!

    Good luck to everyone~!!!
  • shawnalmil
    i lost 1.2 lbs in 2 weeks..... honestly i hadnt really been trying becuase of thanksgiving and kids being home back on track tho!

    does anyone have any mini goals for today? i think this would be a great idea

    today im going to drink atleast 64 oz of water
    climb the stairs for 10 minutes 1 minute at a time OR go work out at curves
  • jevans918
    jevans918 Posts: 26 Member
    1.2 lbs is great Shawna :)

    Mini goals for today-
    Drink at least 64 oz of water (haven't been to great with the water intake this past week gotta get back on track)
    Have fun at work today with the kids and relax (although they are not weight related if I have fun then I will probably be running around the playground and exercising that way plus stress causes me to eat more :)
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    when i weighed myself this morning i figured i didn't make much progress with thanksgiving. but i ended up losing 3 lbs!! so it looks like i only have 5 lbs left before i reach my mini goal!!
  • Happy__Feet
    I'm in - there is still enough time to make a dent in my numbers before Jan 1. :smile:
    SW: 285
    CW: 280
    Jan 1st Goal: 269
    GW: 130
    Good luck everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Monday morning weigh-in:
    -2 lbs... sweet success!:love:
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    163...I'm going to get there eventually!

    I've been slacking off what with thanksgiving, a school exam, and trying to get a job and with just that I forgot that I'm moving this weekend!

    I'm going to add a mini goal for tomorrow (since its already after 7pm here). I'm going to drink more water and get pilates somewhere in my day. I try to do it in the morning because it stretches me out and is a great way to start the day.

    Weigh in Friday morning (or maybe Thursday because I'm moving on friday x.x) and all I can do is try harder and do better until then...aka tomorrow o.O
    Good luck to me!

    Good luck to all of you too. Keep up the good work!
  • shawnalmil
    man i woke up at 3 am with a horrible cramp in my lower leg it lasted for 5 minutes it was soo bad i almost cried the muscle is very sore and tender now......

    goals today
    1) drink 64 oz of water.
    2) stretch.
    3) no pop
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    Well it is Wednesday Dec. 1st and I am here to weigh in :smile:
    Last Wednesday I was at 410
    Today my scale read 408.5 !!
    Next weigh-in will be Wednesday Dec. 8th

    ~Strong Heart♥
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    December 1st....well-I have gained a pound. Grr! I had lost and then for some reason-gained! That is fine-I am just going to keep trying! So-I have to lose six pounds to meet this challenge!

    Mini goal for today-UP THE WATER INTAKE! I am only getting between 4-5 glasses of water, not the eight. I think this is hindering the weight loss.
  • shawnalmil
    December 1st....well-I have gained a pound. Grr! I had lost and then for some reason-gained! That is fine-I am just going to keep trying! So-I have to lose six pounds to meet this challenge!

    Mini goal for today-UP THE WATER INTAKE! I am only getting between 4-5 glasses of water, not the eight. I think this is hindering the weight loss.
    when are you weighing? right after you wake up before you eat but after you release bodily fluids? thats the best time, this way your body is empty of excess fluids wastes and food and drinks that havent been processed in your body and have had time to burn off yah know! you can do this! i have a water bottle full of ice cold water right next to me, my goal is to drink 3-4 of them they are 22 oz.