calorie intake

im trying to lose weight and my calorie intake is 1000, i still have 635 calories left today and i dont think i will eat anymore, burnt around 300 at the gym.but i can never reach my calorie intake, im just so full by the end of the day, i feel like i am constantly eating when im eating super clean like i am atm. Will this affect me? and how can i reach my goal ?


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    You eat like this every day? Yes. If you like having hair, vital organs, and functioning properly I'd probably aim over 1200 calories. Just because you're eating nutrient rich foods doesn't mean you're eating enough of them for your body to function properly. If you have trouble reaching your goal, stop looking at foods as clean or dirty. Foods are food. Once you've met your nutrient goals, you don't get bonus points for more. Put some ice cream or peanut butter in there!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    im trying to lose weight and my calorie intake is 1000, i still have 635 calories left today and i dont think i will eat anymore, burnt around 300 at the gym.but i can never reach my calorie intake, im just so full by the end of the day, i feel like i am constantly eating when im eating super clean like i am atm. Will this affect me? and how can i reach my goal ?

    Losing weight too quickly (for your body size) will result in fat+muscle loss.....instead of mostly fat.

    If you have lots of weight to lose, you can have larger deficits and still keep muscle.

    MFP's lowest default minimum is 1200 NET calories. This is what it takes to get enough nutrition. So eating less than that regularly will deprive your body of essential nutrients needed to FUEL your heart, lungs, kidneys, etc. Your body will catobolize muscle if needed.

    Calorie dense foods......olive oil, nuts, nut butters, avocado all help you increase calories.

    You can reach your goal by choosing a sensible weekly goal....meeting that number, and eating a portion of your exercise calories back.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    im trying to lose weight and my calorie intake is 1000, i still have 635 calories left today and i dont think i will eat anymore, burnt around 300 at the gym.but i can never reach my calorie intake, im just so full by the end of the day, i feel like i am constantly eating when im eating super clean like i am atm. Will this affect me? and how can i reach my goal ?

    20 pounds to go ......a reasonable weekly goal is 1 pound per week. Step this down to 1/2 pound a week when you are within 10-15 pounds of goal.

    Losing fat+muscle is not a healthy look.
  • pav222
    pav222 Posts: 20
    You eat like this every day? Yes. If you like having hair, vital organs, and functioning properly I'd probably aim over 1200 calories. Just because you're eating nutrient rich foods doesn't mean you're eating enough of them for your body to function properly. If you have trouble reaching your goal, stop looking at foods as clean or dirty. Foods are food. Once you've met your nutrient goals, you don't get bonus points for more. Put some ice cream or peanut butter in there!

    im trying, yeah basically, ive been eating like this for a month with lots and lots of water with one cheat days on sunday and even then it comes up to like 1400, just got some fruit, made a cup of tea and yoghurt bar, and i still have 407 calories to go
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    im trying to lose weight and my calorie intake is 1000, i still have 635 calories left today and i dont think i will eat anymore, burnt around 300 at the gym.but i can never reach my calorie intake, im just so full by the end of the day, i feel like i am constantly eating when im eating super clean like i am atm. Will this affect me? and how can i reach my goal ?

    1000 calories a day? That's like, just under a 12 year old's caloric intake. Do you enjoy having fully functional gametes? Nice hair? Do you enjoy looking nice and so your skin doesn't look grey and old?


    Go to this: (use the Harris-Benedict) and find your TDEE.
    After you have your TDEE, eat 500 below that.

    When you exercise, you'll burn off calories. Eat half or 75% of those calories back. And you'll still be in a deficit because you're eating under your TDEE = weight loss.

    By the way, eating 1000 calories or less every day , that's not good. Your brain and other vital organs (well that's pretty much all of them) require calories to function; unless you're dead.