Hey! Friend Me!

SO I've been on MFP on and off for a few years and just decided recently that this time I'm going to follow through! I have recently started the paleo diet and have lost about 6 pounds over the last few weeks and several inches! With that being said.... I have, like, one friend on here :P would love to have support and give support to others so add me if you'd like! Or message me or whatever. I love talking to new people and making new friends (obviously)


  • rebelchelle
    rebelchelle Posts: 16 Member
    Hey Melissa...I will definitely send you a friend request...Congratulations on your 6-pound loss...that is awesome! I have lost 7 pounds in two weeks...I am doing low carb (not Atkins), just trying to stay under 50 grams of carbs a day, lots of water, and no bread, pasta, rice, potatoes (anything white...LOL) or sweets...it is the only way that I can lose the pounds and I feel so much better and have lots more energy...have a blessed week :)
