Duromine 30 day blog.

Hey everyone.

As the title suggests, I am going to go on Duromine and keep a 30 day blog of everything that is happening.

I have been on it before and lost weight, but because I went straight back to eating excessive amounts of junk food, i putit all back on.

I know its a "quick" fix, and I understand that, but I realised, while there is a lot of good and bad news about the medication, I thought I would do a blog so everyone could see what an average person goes through in a month on the drug.

I also, obvioulsy want to lose weight.

Would everyone be interested to read my blog if I started one for this?



  • EphiePossum
    EphiePossum Posts: 15 Member
    I don't know if I have posted this in the wrong area...
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    MFP has a blog area you can you use rather than posting daily in a forum thread.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    If you know it's going to be a quick fix and you'll just return to the junk food, why take it? You have to build healthy habits and maintain them to keep the weight off.

    Unless you're building them at the same time as taking the medication, and that's the purpose of the blog!
  • EphiePossum
    EphiePossum Posts: 15 Member
    No, in the past I have returned to junk food. I was just saying that I was going to work at healthy eating and exercise as well as taking it.

    I guess I just thought it would be a good thing to read about.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Hey everyone.

    As the title suggests, I am going to go on Duromine and keep a 30 day blog of everything that is happening.

    I have been on it before and lost weight, but because I went straight back to eating excessive amounts of junk food, i putit all back on.

    I know its a "quick" fix, and I understand that, but I realised, while there is a lot of good and bad news about the medication, I thought I would do a blog so everyone could see what an average person goes through in a month on the drug.

    I also, obvioulsy want to lose weight.

    Would everyone be interested to read my blog if I started one for this?


    The bolded part is a pretty important sentence. It is probably in your best interest to ditch the idea of a quick fix, learn sustainable habits that will benefit you in the long run and utilize the blog feature of MFP.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    No, in the past I have returned to junk food. I was just saying that I was going to work at healthy eating and exercise as well as taking it.

    I guess I just thought it would be a good thing to read about.

    So what's going to stop you from doing the same thing over and over again? It sounds more like you need to focus on eating at a deficit and moderation rather than quick fixes.
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    Did you get a prescription for it?
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Cool, drugs for yo-yo dieting. Where do I send my money?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey everyone.

    As the title suggests, I am going to go on Duromine and keep a 30 day blog of everything that is happening.

    I have been on it before and lost weight, but because I went straight back to eating excessive amounts of junk food, i putit all back on.

    I know its a "quick" fix, and I understand that, but I realised, while there is a lot of good and bad news about the medication, I thought I would do a blog so everyone could see what an average person goes through in a month on the drug.

    I also, obvioulsy want to lose weight.

    Would everyone be interested to read my blog if I started one for this?


    The bolded part is a pretty important sentence. It is probably in your best interest to ditch the idea of a quick fix, learn sustainable habits that will benefit you in the long run and utilize the blog feature of MFP.
    ^^^^ This I agree with.

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results. You need to choose something else to make it sustainable. I suggest ditching the pills and eating at a moderate calorie deficit and see where that gets you. I'm at maintenance after losing 44 pounds in over a year, and it's AMAZING having control over food instead of allowing food to have control over me.

    You can do this without the pills, I KNOW you can. :smile:

    ETA: clarity.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    If you are taking an appetite suppressant use this time to develop healthy eating habits and with that remove the influences that encourage you to eat junk food be it bad food in the refrigerator or friends with unhealthy eating habits.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    If you know it's going to be a quick fix and you'll just return to the junk food, why take it? You have to build healthy habits and maintain them to keep the weight off.

    Unless you're building them at the same time as taking the medication, and that's the purpose of the blog!

    Because she's lazy and doesn't wanna put the work in?

    I'm not a fan of diet pills - but I don't see being lazy in itself as a bad thing.

    There are no medals for achieving something in a hard way when one could do it in an easier way.

    However, I am not convinced diet pills really do represent an achievable way to do this OP.
    Good luck in your weight loss journey though!
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Have you been in the forums before. Because anyone who has been in here would know this is a very bad idea.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Have you been in the forums before. Because anyone who has been in here would know this is a very bad idea.

    Never mind. You haven't been here much. You should start a blog. This will not go well, and for good reasons.
  • EphiePossum
    EphiePossum Posts: 15 Member
    If you know it's going to be a quick fix and you'll just return to the junk food, why take it? You have to build healthy habits and maintain them to keep the weight off.

    Unless you're building them at the same time as taking the medication, and that's the purpose of the blog!

    Because she's lazy and doesn't wanna put the work in?

    Hey, that was unfair. Really, it was. I didn't deserve that. I joined this site because I thought people were supportive. I just wanted to share my story with you, not be mocked.

    I am offended by what you said. I would really appreciate if you didn't say something like that again.
  • EphiePossum
    EphiePossum Posts: 15 Member
    I am a bit upset by everyone's response.

    All it was, was me asking if people would be interested in reading my blog, not mock me or call me lazy or telling me I will fail.

    I know the consequences, but when I was on the drug the last time, I did everything wrong, and that is why I believed it wouldn't work.

    All I wanted was to try it again, have a plan, and share my story. I didn't ask if you thought it was the right thing or not.

    I'm sorry I even posted here.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    To be fair you aren't going to get a lot of support for diet pills here. Because fact of the matter is they are unhealthy in every respect. And this place is about being healthy not necessarily just being thin. People honestly have good reason to call you out and if you where sensible you wold probably listen to them. Appetite suppressants are basically for people with no other recourse. The kind that have fallen into catastrophic eating patterns and are morbidly obese and on the way there. And even then only really to get them started. For someone who is fat or moderately obese they are not only unnecessary but destructive. Please Please stop using them. It's not a matter of "doing it wrong" the minute you put that crap in your body you are "doing it wrong".

    And I am saying this as someone who was suckered in by an appetite suppressant. I used it for about a month at the start of my weight loss journey. I did nothing wrong. I ate a 1800 calorie diet which was pretty damn low for me. Too low in fact. And I worked out every damn day. That did not stop 2/3 of the weight I lost on the drug from hopping right back on me once I stopped taking it.

    These drugs are FAKE they give FAKE results that dissapear when you are off the drug. Do you want to actually lose weight this time or are you happy to see the scale go down and tell yourself you are healthier? Because that's what using diet pills amounts to.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,090 Member
    I wasn't mocking you or saying you would fail OP - in fact, I wished you luck and I meant it ,was a genuine wish, not a sarcastic comment. :flowerforyou:
  • DavePFJ
    DavePFJ Posts: 212 Member
    No one likes to think for themselves, which means everyone will blindly discredit anything beyond 'healthy eating.' I trust you did your research, and are aware of the limitations, risks, and your doctor explained everything.

    I've taken stimulants (legal) before. I wanted to expedite the loss of a few more pounds. It did what I wanted it to, and I was aware of how bad it was for me. It ended up being a good decision for me.

    I would be interested in reading your blog, and good luck. If you learn from your mistakes you'll be golden.
  • TechMike
    TechMike Posts: 22 Member
    You've used it before and it didn't work. You plan to use it again, but this time with a plan. Great. Good luck!

    The problem I have with diet pills and the like, it seems a lot of people look at these for quick and easy fixes and don't make a lifestyle change. My worry is that someone will read your weblog about how you lost an amazing amount of weight on Duromine and then go ask their doctor for a prescription. The doctor will prescribe it without making sure they're consulting with a nutritionist or have some sort of diet plan setup. They'll lose weight, stop taking the pill and gain all that weight back.

    I hope this works out for you, I honestly do.
  • fayetinii
    fayetinii Posts: 17 Member
    If you know it's going to be a quick fix and you'll just return to the junk food, why take it? You have to build healthy habits and maintain them to keep the weight off.

    Unless you're building them at the same time as taking the medication, and that's the purpose of the blog!

    Because she's lazy and doesn't wanna put the work in?

    Hey, that was unfair. Really, it was. I didn't deserve that. I joined this site because I thought people were supportive. I just wanted to share my story with you, not be mocked.

    I am offended by what you said. I would really appreciate if you didn't say something like that again.

    What a *kitten*! Ignore that divvy, and do what you need to do to kickstart yourself. Don't let people put you down. And atleast you recognise where you went wrong last time! Good luck :))