How do you make your goals?

So, how do you make your personal weight loss goals?
What makes you stick to them every day?

I don't think I have a weight loss goal. Just to feel better. My ultimate goal is to healthier than I was before and not to EVER weigh 220 lbs again!!

Numbers don't seem to mean too much to me because I'm losing inches and the scaled doesn't move too much. That is ok because the clothes are getting looser and I keep having to replace items in my closet.

So, please I would love to hear how you rate your personal goals and please, invite me as your friend. I would love some support as well as to be someone's support!!

Thank you!


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: I never made weight loss goals.....instead I've made behavior goals which are things I can do every day that will contribute to successful weight of my first goals was to plan my food for the day before I ate anything and to not accept any food that was offered to me no matter how current goals are in my signature......i make new goals every month as a way to focus on new behaviors or new exercise plans.......good luck to you.....take it one day at a time and take baby steps.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    I have not made any goals yet but I am going to as soon as I can think of some.
  • HerBravado
    HerBravado Posts: 392 Member
    I made my weight loss goal based on what would be considered a healthy weight for me at my height. I'm 5'8", & I have a large frame, so around 175.
    However, I might be fine with something a little over that, since my body is not really cookie-cutter to standards.
    I stick to them because of this website, to be honest. :P
    If I weren't on here, I'd probably be battling weight loss whilst diving into more pizza slices. The support system helps a lot & I can struggle (& celebrate) with like-minded people. :)
  • IceFaith
    When I first started I picked a number that I'd be pretty happy with. I have been thinking of adjusting that number because I would like to be in a healthy, average, BMI range. But I think I'll wait until I have down to the original weight that I have down and see how I look and, most importantly, how I feel.

    Mine is more of a size, I think. I want to be able to shop in normal sized clothes. I think I would be happy w/ a 10-12 size range.
  • lefrance12
    In my opinion, I think the basis is what you want to look like and feel like. Plain and simple.:glasses:
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member
    I make my goals realistic and long term.

    My primary goal is to never go over 300 again.

    I would like to get down to my pre-kid weight ( I am male but very sympathetic apparently )

    I want to be able to play like I know I can in rugby.

    I dont want to use time or injuries as an excuse.

    I want to be more energetic for my kids.

    The numbers arents as important as other improvements but they are a big part of everything. If your doing the system right you will see the weight come off. If your unsure always go with the higher calories eaten and lower calories burned. Cheating occasionally is ok but earn it. Work it off the next couple of days.
  • AmandaR910
    For me, I made my goals based on a goal weight of 5lbs less than I was in high school (and I thought I was fat then lol, if only I could go back and slap myself in the face). I made the losses what I feel are reasonable for the amount of time, with smaller losses the closer to my goal I get.
    I've had 3 kids in 2 years so 2011 is about me I've decided.

    I have yet to pick rewards for each goal, though I'm planning baby #4 at the end of my weight loss and a trip to the Bahamas with my husband.

    As for non scale goals, I want to be better able to keep up with my kids and want to be able to keep up with my husband (he's military, so he's in great shape). I also would like to have an easier time clothes shopping. I usually wear a size 10 not pregnant, so I'm able to shop most places, but I would really prefer a size 4.

    I'm 5'10".
  • Fiedems
    Fiedems Posts: 52 Member
    My goals were set by what the "charts" say I should weigh. I'm tired of saying "except for my weight" I'm healthy. For myself I would be happy to sit in a seat at the movies on opening night and not feel as if the person next to me has no room. I want to walk up stairs without passing out (haven't done that just feel like it). I want to be more active for my kids and I want to caution them on over eating and not have them look at me "yeah right mom".

    I'm sure my goals for the numbers will change as I get closer, I know I just picked the highest number for my height because I can't see myself loosing even that much weight.

    I stick with it, because even though the weight is slow coming off. I notice that I do eat less. I can do more things than I could a month ago. My clothes aren't as tight.

    I stick with it because I am worth it....
    THISisTARRAN Posts: 487 Member
    Hello!!! I have tons of goals as far as weight goes. I make weekly goals, bi weekly goals, and so on. My ultimate goal is based on how I looked and what I looked like when I was 155ish lbs. I have a goal #, but really I know I will be happy with other numbers too. For example I weigh about 253 right now, and my goal weight is technically 155, but I'll be Ecstatic (sp?) to be under 200 for the 1st time in over a year. And then under 190 WOW, I will throw a party, lol. But I think my greatest happiness will be when I'm at or under 175. I stick to trying to lose because I have a boyfriend and a daughter. I don't like the way I look, I don't like the clothes I have to wear because its the only thing that fits. I hate seeing other girls and wishing I looked like them. This website is a tremendous help, I love all the support. I hope that you enjoy this website as much as I do!!
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    My overall original goal was a number I just randomly picked current goal is based on what I know I can get to & still considered healthy. I broke it down in 5lb increments to make it less overwhelming. It was one of the things that worked like a charm for me :)

    Now my goals are more fitness based.
  • Timkerbelle
    I have had a number of "set points" during my life. The numbers are pretty random but they mean something to me. My first goal is to get below 84 kg for instance, as I have been getting down to that number and gained - time and time again.
    I also have other goals, such as being able to have my bag on the bus seat next to me (not the other seat, but my seat - makes sense?) etc.
  • frankbo25
    frankbo25 Posts: 206 Member
    I really just made up my mind that I was tired of being fat, MFP gave me back up that I never had before when I would lose weight and then gain it back. Just the simple reality of seeing right in front of my eyes how many calories I was consuming(along with fat, carbs, sodium, etc...). It was a real eye opener. After I began P90x I was motivated by the support I receive here on MFP and being able to see the direction my body was going. I knew I didnt want to go back there again. I look much better, I feel better physically and mentally.
  • blel0906
    I haven't set a final goal..right now I'm concentrating on mini goals. I'd love to weigh 130lbs again (my high school weight was between 130-135) I haven't seen that in 20 years not so sure its even realistic.. I'm probably going settle somewhere between 150-160 but for now I'm concentrating on mini goals..My first goal is to break out of the 200's, then concentrating on 10lbs at a time..
  • hybrown
    I LOVE reading all of your goals!! I agree with them all for your own personal reasons! Hey, if you're working towards them and feeling good...what else matters? Thank you so much for your input and helping me.
  • flynabster
    I try to focus on the little goals.....two pounds a week....even that might be hard to do.....
    I do have a goal of what I'd eventually would like to get too....but, it's one day at a time right now.....

    I have a pair of jeans I'd like to get into hanging on the closet door in my's a reminder to me that I'd like to be able to fit in those again....I'd like to be in them by the time my son comes home for Xmas visit....Looking at them keeps me motivated....

    So, all in all I'm concentrating on mini's easier than looking at the "big" picture, lol
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