


    Try squeezing fresh lemon; lime; orange; or any other natural fruit. Remeber to add about a 1/4 or less & the rest w/ water...I do this on a daily basis & now I can drink up to 10 glasses w/o hesitation.....I hope tihs will work.....GOOD LUCK...........:glasses:
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    When they reccomend 8 glasses of water on top of all the food they're taking into account all the water in the food you're eating as well as the coffee, milk and soda you will "probably" consume. Most people who start out on a weight loss program aren't model eaters or they wouldn't be overweight. The main reasons for the water on top of all the liquids in the food is to help you feell full without the calories and to carry away the toxins that are released from burning fat.