Looking for motivation? Join me on my journey! :)

Hey everyone!

My name is Melanie and when I started my journey (about 6 months ago) I weighed 148.8 kg! (328 pounds) Yep, almost 150kgs! My final turning point was when doctors put me on high blood pressure medication and I'm only 32 years young! Doctors were also mentioning lap ban surgery but I didn't want to do that to my body, hadn't it been through enough? I wanted to prove to myself I could do it, I wanted to push myself harder than I had before and really make a go of it without the need for surgery. So far I have, in the last six months I have lost 23 kgs (50 pounds) and I'm still going strong!

How have I done it? With the help of Lite n' Easy, adding my own food and healthy recipes, educating myself, exercise and making the right choices and getting rid of those bad habits. I have met some amazing and supportive people and I love helping others and sharing what I've learnt and what has worked for me. I would love for you to join me so we can do this together!

I try to do My Fitness Pal whenever I can but I also have a blog under Why Lose Tomorrow where I post my daily food, exercise, my thoughts and a weekly weigh in. I know it's not appropriate to paste the link so you will just have to find me ;)

Please do this with me as none of us should have to lose tomorrow.

All the best,

Melanie xxx