Low Calories

Im 23. 5'2 and 138 lbs. I don't understand. I physically can't eat more than 800-1000 calories a day. Sometimes 500. I still can't lose weight. I see people posting about between 1200-1500 or so. Ive been yoyoing between 10 pounds or so for 3 1/2 months now. The only reason I gained weight was because of medication. I was originally 105 one year ago. I was at one time 180 then went to 105. Now 138. But I dont know how in the hell I lost weight to be honest.


  • JoeCampbell85
    Your log looks really incomplete and not tracked very well. Now if what you are logging is REALLY all you are eating (including weight). Then it sounds like you need to go speak with a professional. Ask your doctor and see a recommended registered dietician. It sounds like you may have medical conditions that need special treatment.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Some days, I just don't want to eat. The idea of another green bean or fat-free turkey dog is just not appealing. More chicken breast? No, thanks. Salsa? No. Tuna? no! No more damn tuna!! I had it for lunch and the dinner before and the lunch before that, almost ad infinitum.

    I even had a semi-non-nutritious lunch today and was seriously stuffed, but took in only about 350 calories. I'm just now contemplating more food. I'll eat more, but...

    Some days, it's hard to eat as much as you should. You just have to do it.

    If you're not on some ridiculous medical diet that limits you to fruits, veggies, cotton balls and sawdust, you should be able to eat more than 500 calories, though. Even healthy food should keep you around 800 or 900 calories without working too hard. And if you aren't losing weight eating that little, something is up, for sure.

    You should definitely see a doctor! I'd call tomorrow.
  • PhiloPray
    PhiloPray Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, it is not as complete as it should be. I used to complete it more often. I keep my weight tracked more though than my food. I used to use MFP a lot more often, but when I went down to 105 from 180 I knew nothing about MFP, I did it without MFP, thats why I dont log my food that often. I guess call me overconfident with weight loss.

    Anyway, I don't really have the best eating habits but I rarely eat dairy and meat and I dont eat seafood/fish. Stuff like that. I'm a very picky eater.

    I thought a lot about seeing a dietician. Just didnt know where to start about seeing one.
  • PhiloPray
    PhiloPray Posts: 36 Member
    Just looking at my diary for the past 3-4 days - and yes thats truly all I had to eat. Yesterday all I had was a soda for example.
  • mrzmami88
    mrzmami88 Posts: 25 Member
    ask your PCP about a dietrician or google some in your area. I, myself, want (but most likely wont) go on a low calorie diet like I had originally planned. its just not good for u at all.
  • mrzmami88
    mrzmami88 Posts: 25 Member
    also u need to start eating. and eat healthy. if u dont eat meat u need to eat foods high in protein and probably take a vitamin supplement.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Yes, it is not as complete as it should be. I used to complete it more often. I keep my weight tracked more though than my food. I used to use MFP a lot more often, but when I went down to 105 from 180 I knew nothing about MFP, I did it without MFP, thats why I dont log my food that often. I guess call me overconfident with weight loss.

    Anyway, I don't really have the best eating habits but I rarely eat dairy and meat and I dont eat seafood/fish. Stuff like that. I'm a very picky eater.

    I thought a lot about seeing a dietician. Just didnt know where to start about seeing one.
    You really need to consult a doctor. They will be able to refer you to a dietician. Some grocery stores have dietitians on staff. They'll even go around the store with you. Mine was an angel sent from God. Two hours, $60/hr, some of the best money I ever spent. :)

    But a doctor is really necessary. If you eat that little - nothing at all! - something is up.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    Well you need to look at a 3 week average not just the past week. Also MFP and most books/machines over-estimate the calories burned through exercise(they are calculated based on someone with a 6-10% BF and high VO2 Max). I might suggest not deducting exercise from your calorie goals. Also inconsistent eating patterns tend to lead to inconsistent bowel movements which will of course alter your weight on the scale especially when combined with the minimal fiber you are eating(which makes you **** less and thus retain more of that dead weight). For someone of your weight and size taking photo's and looking in the mirror may prove to be a better gage of fitness improvement than a simple scale measurement. Start eating more consistently, start eating foods high in fiber aka the green stuff aka vegetables, stop worshiping the scale.