Best abs video on YouTube?

I've started strength training recently and I really am starting to like it this time around! Mostly I have no choice right now because my knee has decided it won't let me go jogging for awhile. So I'm actually forced to give strength trainibg a try for once. I've found a really good arms video I like that really focuses on form. I'm really hoping to find a quality abs workout that focuses on form. I know how to do proper lunges but not proper squats. And trying to avoid using my knee anyway. The top videos I've seen so far jump straight into a bunch of different movements without even talking about form. Any suggestions on good you tubevideos that focus on core exercises and form?

As someone who is just getting started with at home workouts, I really don't want to buy any DVDs at this time because I'm looking for one simple routine I can I coroporate into my workouts, not a whole series or anything.
